
Monday, June 20, 2011

Opple Topple & the boyfriend

A shower and sleeping in my bed never felt better than they did yesterday!  This weekend was a blast.  Opple Topple Fest had a bit of a different vibe than Folk Fest (the only other festival I've been to - twice and loved both times), but the music was awesome and we had a great time.  A huge bonus was the whole thing was shaded by the woods, so it was a perfect temperature and we didn't have to worry about sunburn.

Here's our little camp site.

And here we are.

Everyone meet Dave.  We've been dating for over a year and couldn't be happier.  He's laid back, funny, smart, family oriented, active, adventurous, and one of the nicest people I've ever met.  He's the ying to my yang and I hope that we're together for the long haul!

Aren't we cute???

Anyway, my Sunday evening included a two hour nap, eating dinner, and then taking another two hour nap.  After all that sleep, plus a full eight hours last night, I don't know how I was still tired this morning.  For the rest of the week I'm trying to load up on sleep and feel good foods so I can be ready for the beach this weekend.  I love summer!

What's your favorite feel good recovery food?

1 comment:

  1. Grease and a diet pepsi! Not really on the new health kick! PS cute pics of you and the bf!

    (I really need to get blogging, ugh!)


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