
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Healthy Shopping & Some Quinoa

Last night I actually made use of the gym membership I'm paying for (thank goodness I'm only paying Planet Fitness $10 a month btw) and I even convinced my mom to go!  I did a combo of running and walking and did 2.7 miles in 35 minutes.  I took it nice and easy because I'm still trying to let my foot heal.  It has felt pretty good since I gave it a good rest and wore sneakers to work all last week but I'm still avoiding heels and trying to be aware of how it feels.  I also did a few random arm exercises, gotta tone the guns.

After the gym, I went to the grocery store.  It was the first time I ever walked down the organic aisles!  Here's what I got:

Um who am I????  My cart has never looked quite like this!  I went home and sliced up some carrots and cucumber to eat with the veggie dip as a snack and I also made a cold quinoa salad including chopped carrots, squash, zucchini, and cucumber, all covered in some balsamic vinaigrette.  Hello healthy lunch for the week!  I'd never had quinoa before, honestly it doesn't really have much of a taste (what grain does?).  I totally meant to put some feta in it this morning, but I forgot.  Womp womp!

Tonight the bf is taking me out to the Victory Brewery for dinner and some brewskis.  Yay for date nights :)

What's your favorite grain?  Is it tasty by itself?  Do you like quinoa?

1 comment:

  1. I've had quinoa, it's not my favorite (that'd definitely be cous cous- plain or basically any flavor that they make, including the yummy herb chicken kind). Glad you had a fun weekend!! Hi Dave- WAY cute pics, btw :)


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