
Monday, November 11, 2019

Baby #2: Week 39

Another week, another Tuesday morning gym session.  The strength was overhead squats, which I thought I kept light but I did make it up to 80# and my quads were definitely sore afterwards.

The WOD was more OH squats (I used 55#), rowing (I did the bike), and pull ups (I did ring rows).  The workout was challenging, but I felt good afterwards.  I rewarded myself by getting a big breakfast from Chick-fil-A after doing my civic duty and dropping V off.

Hit play twice.

I had my 39 week appointment on Wednesday and it was really great.  Once again, everything was normal with my BP, baby's heartbeat, and they guessed 7.5 lbs so right on track.  I had a wonderful discussion with the student and the midwife about how I was looking forward to birth and how good it feels to fully trust my provider.  The midwife told me she wished she could be at my birth.  I left feeling really positive and excited.

I made it back to the gym on Friday thinking it would probably be my last time before birth.  The workout was a lot of wall balls and rowing (aka bike for me) but I didn't want to cook my quads again since they were still a tiny bit sore from Tuesday, so I mixed in some L sit dumbbell presses and ring rows.  The workout was 20 minutes long and I did 7 rounds of 4 cals on the bike, 6 wall balls, 8 ring rows, and 10 presses, plus made it through round 8 of the bike + 4 wall balls.  Everything felt great!

No footage, just a selfie.

I worked from home all week and it was just so nice to be able to be in my PJs and to be able to get into whatever position I could find some comfort in.  I am so glad my work is family friendly.

The weekend was nice.  On Friday I got a serious nesting urge to scrub our master shower, so I was legit on my hands and knees scrubbing the crap out of the grout (pro tip, never get white grout on the floor of a shower, seriously don't do it).  The rest of the weekend was mostly about hibernating and relaxing, but on Saturday Shayna and Kimber came over with Chipotle, laundry folding hands, and lots of laughs.  On Sunday I got dressed in real clothes for the first time all week to meet Leah for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings for the Giants game.  I tried to spice the baby out with some mango habanero sauce.  We also got some really nice mani pedis afterwards.  It was super relaxing, but I'd be lying if I wasn't also hoping that the foot massage wasn't going to hit some acupressure points and get things going.

I'm finally over being pregnant!   Last time I had basically accepted the fact that I would be a week late and was super surprised when my labor slowly started at 39w+5d... But this time I can't get that timing out of my head.  I know every pregnancy is different and I know that baby will come when she is ready but dang it I am uncomfortable and every little cramping feeling has me thinking please God let this be it.  And then nothing!

I guess I can't really complain, I'm still only waking up once to pee.  My ankles aren't swollen.  I was experiencing some painful carpel tunnel symptoms last time and that's not a thing.  I know she will come when she's ready.  But I am just SO ready to not be pregnant anymore!!!!

This post from Motherly really sums it up:
We wait for this special, life-changing moment to happen.
But with waiting can come frustration, impatience and worry.
At this stage of pregnancy, the waiting seems like f-o-r-e-v-e-r.
It feels like the lower back pain will never go away. Like the discomfort of getting in and out of bed because of our large bellies and sore pelvic bones will always be part of our lives.
Like we will never fit into our clothes again because the baby will just set up shop inside of us for all of eternity and we'll just have to forgo clothes and only wear sports bras and sweatpants for life.
But we’ve got this, mamas.

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