
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Baby #2: Week 22

Almost forgot to take pictures this week, so here's my finest from Monday night at 22 weeks and 6 days.

I started off week 22 with some CrossFit.  Tuesday I went to the 5 pm class because I had a dentist appointment on Wednesday morning and needed to pick up some Kettlebell Kitchen meals I ordered.

I miss handstand push ups, but the L-sit dumbbell presses smoked my arms and shoulders!  I used 20# and completed 65 reps.  For the WOD I did 6 calories on the bike, 8 regular pull ups + 8 dumbbell row, 6 cal bike, and I used a 20# DB for the snatches.  I probably could've gone a little heavier with my DB, but oh well.  I finished in 19:30 and felt great.   I blew off the gym Friday morning because Dave's friend was in from North Carolina (just for the night, because he was in York for work) so I stayed up way too late!

We continued our Whole6 through the week and it went really well.  I never really adjusted to drinking my coffee black and I craved chocolate all week, but overall it was super smooth and uneventful.  I lost 4 lbs which was definitely a lot of bloat, I feel like my face got less puffy and my love handles chilled out a bit.  I'm trying to keep the good habits going (like not keeping a candy stash at my desk at work and choosing veggies over mac and cheese with dinner...) but also this preggo needs some ice cream!

I broke my Whole6 with a sushi dinner with the gals on Friday night.  We had the worst service ever, but it was still nice getting together.  On Saturday we hit Jenn and Jason's annual pool party!  We've been attending for the past 6 years and it's always the best time.  It was awesome catching up with everyone and the weather was absolutely perfect.  Vienna wasn't so sure about the puddle jumper I just bought her, but she did have fun being a little daredevil and going off the diving board!!!!!!

Let be known that we put her puddle jumper on her right after this.
I almost had a heart attack.

On Sunday we moved V into her new room and she seems to love it!  Earlier in the week, Dave was hanging out in there reading her a book and I was peeking in, taking a picture and she looked up at me and said "happy" and I just about died!

As soon as we moved her crib, she asked us to put her in it and then hung out for a little playing with her baby dolls and reading a book.  The blackout shade is amazing and I don't know why we didn't install them in her last room.  Dave and I moved both the dressers, with the full drawers in them because apparently they don't just lift up and pop out, and they were heavy AF.  It was probably something that a pregnant lady shouldn't have done, but I did it and felt completely fine.  I had to laugh because in my 23 week update from last time, Dave's dad wouldn't even let me help them with the furniture at all.  I did tell Dave I'm definitely not up for moving the baby's new furniture from the garage though.  The room still needs some decor and final touches, but I'm really happy with how it came out.

I'll take better pics when it's actually decorated!

In other random pregnancy news:
  • I'm feeling the baby kick all the time now and Dave felt her kick for the first time too!
  • I started listening to my Hypnobabies tracks before bed, they are so relaxing.
  • I'm loving the second trimester, I feel fairly normal and I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
In other random non-pregnancy news... THIS HAPPENED!

4 months to go and life is good :)

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