
Monday, July 9, 2018

It's Time: My First Postpartum Whole30!

Over the past year and a half, my body has grown and nourished a human being.  How incredible!  During that time I had given myself a free pass to eat ALL the things... and boy did I!  Now that's coming to an end!

I've been thinking about dieting for a few months now but I didn't want to do anything that would risk my milk supply.  Breastfeeding has been a wonderful journey and did a pretty good job taking off most of the 60 lbs I gained during my pregnancy.  But now I am ready to wean Vienna, kiss my pump goodbye, and drop the last 10 lbs of the baby weight.  And Whole30 seems like the perfect tool!

My eating habits have been based on feeding two people for a while now, so the Whole30 will truly be a reset for me.  I need to get back to the basics, focus on food as fuel, and kick my intense sugar cravings to the curb.  I am starting tomorrow 7/10 and ending 8/8!  I hope to blog a little, but I'll probably share more on my Busy, Bold, Blessed facebook page.

It's going to be SO HARD!  This will probably be my hardest Whole30 yet!  I know I am going to feel like crap while my body goes through a sugar/bread/alcohol withdrawal in the next few days.  I also know I am going to be tempted by fun summer events and free food (there's literally a free lunch at work on my first day tomorrow). Oh and I have a baby now!

So I'm taking steps to set myself up for success.  I'm rereading It Starts With Food to put the science behind the program fresh in my mind.  I've rallied the troops and I've got a group of 10 people doing it along with me in my private facebook support group (please let me know if you're interested in joining)!  I am meal planning simple things and trying to think of how I can do as little work in the kitchen as possible.  I ordered some sauces and other Whole30 staples from Whole Foods using the new Amazon Prime delivery service.

I am so excited and a little nervous.  But I am ready for the amazing changes I know I am about to experience!


  1. Good luck!

    We just finished a Whole 30 on July 3rd and it was my first one postpartum. SO DIFFERENT from all my other ones but mostly because it was something that required a lot of focus and I don't have quite the same time and space for that now with a little one.

    That said, I will tell you that by Day 6 I was feeling straight TIGER BLOOD. I felt like my body cooperated so much quicker despite the fact that I spent a good 18 months not paying too much attention to my own diet.

    I feel SO GOOD now that it's done. Hope you have a really positive experience! xo

    1. Congrats on your Whole30! I totally agree with your thoughts on not having the same time and space for it now, I want to plan some "fancy" recipes, but right now everything is simple and to the point.

      I have no idea how I'm not dying of a sugar hangover right now (honestly in shock) especially after vacation last week, but so far so good. I would LOVE to feel that tiger blood soon :)

      Can't believe 9/28 is right around the corner. Already getting emotional haha. Thanks for the well wishes!


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