
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Goals for January

Between all the social media accounts I follow and my private Whole30 support group, the internet is buzzing and I'm having a major case of FOMO.  I really wish I was doing the Whole30 with everyone... but then I eat a handful of cookies and I quickly forget about it.

Humor and gluttony aside, I figured going back to work and getting used to pumping was enough to deal with in January.  Adding the planning, cooking, and willpower demands of a Whole30 would have been too much to expect from myself.  I'm thinking maybe March.

But in the meantime, I need to start somewhere!  I do love using the new year as a fresh start so I'm making some small attainable goals for myself to get the ball rolling.

January Goals:
  • Do yoga every day (five minutes minimum)
  • Go to CrossFit six times
  • Break up with flavored creamer and go back to black coffee
  • Do not purchase any sweets/treats, soda, bread products
  • No shopping (aside from groceries/necessities)

Another goal is to jump on here and share more often by keeping the posts quick and snappy!  And to share more baby pics.  Obviously.


  1. Love your short, attainable goals :) I'm doing the same and it makes me stick to it so much better!

  2. Those cheeks are a thing of BEAUUUUUTY!!! So munchable! I am sort of just now, 15 months in, feeling like we could take on a Whole 30. I'm really jonesing to do one but we still have Christmas Crap in the house. YIKES. Hope working and pumping is going well. Hang in there. Vienna is such a sweet little thing.


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