
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My Pregnancy: Week 38

I always figured I'd stop working out at some point near the end of my pregnancy... but maybe not?  I still feel good in the gym and although I'm modifying a lot, I could be doing less and still getting a workout, so it seems silly to stop completely.  I think working out has been a huge factor in how good I have felt throughout my pregnancy and especially now at the end.

For this Friday workout I did 10 calories on the bike instead of the run, I used the 10# WB instead of the 14, I did 10/8/6 pull ups instead of 21/15/9, I did the thrusters with 10# dumbbells, and I did 15/9/6 barbell incline push ups instead of the 9/6/3 HSPUs.  I finished in 23:10.

On Friday night Dave and I went out for a nice dinner date at Sage in Phoenixville.  I decided we were having the "mixed combo" appetizer before we even got there and it was so good.  It came with tabouleh salad, hummus, kafta (meat on a stick), goat cheese, stuffed grape leaves, tahini sauce, and super delicious falafel that I'm still dreaming of.  We ordered two entrees to share: veal saltimbocca (thin slices of veal with prosciutto and mozz in a marsala red wine sauce) and linguini pescatore (linguine topped with shrimp, clams, mussels, and lump crab meat smothered in a white garlic sauce).  The veal dish was fine but didn't wow us, but the sauteed veggies that came with it were actually awesome.  But the real star of the meal was the pasta!  The bowl was gigantic and filled to the brim with tons of seafood and garlicky goodness.  The waitress told us she was very impressed when we finished the whole thing minus some pasta.  We figured go big or go home because who reheats shellfish?  The service was great and between the BYO status and our gift card it was a super affordable date night.

On Saturday night I think I had my first practice waves (aka Braxton Hicks)!  Dave was in the city for a bachelor party and we had a loose plan in place in case I suddenly went into labor, but I was positive it wouldn't be necessary.  I had Jeff and Arley over to watch the Penn State game and keep me company for the evening and the whole night was uneventful until they left.  Around 11 pm I started feeling pretty lousy and was really nauseous.  I wanted to go to bed, but laying down didn't feel great so I stayed up watching Easy A and taking lots of trips to the bathroom.  I finally threw up a little which took the edge off my nausea and I went to bed around 1 am.  When I laid down I started feeling some cramping at the bottom of my belly!  It was pretty mild and just a little uncomfortable so I didn't think it was the real deal but it was definitely something I hadn't felt before!  I put on one of my hypnosis tracks and just tried to relax (and not think of the fact that Dave still wasn't home and hadn't answered my last text...) and within 20 minutes I was asleep.  I woke up later in the night with awful heartburn fire throat, but I woke up the next day feeling totally fine.  I haven't had any cramping/possible contractions since then.

I had my weekly OB appointment on Tuesday and it was super uneventful.  The doctor confirmed that the baby is still head down but her head is pretty high, which is what I suspected.  My due date may be 9/28, but I'm fully expecting an October baby.

I worked out this morning.  I still find it humorous that lifting weights feels better than walking around my office.  I skipped back squats and did some power snatching and got up to 70#.  It was definitely feeling heavier today.  The WOD was 30 Curtis Ps (clean, lunge L, lunge R, push press) for time.  Cleans and push press still feel good with the barbell, but I knew I didn't want to lunge, so I subbed those for 10# dumbbell squats.  I broke it up into 10 rounds of 3 cleans and push presses at 55# + 6 DB squats and finished in 10:04.

Other things:
  • I still don't have any stretch marks.  I feel like it's a pregnancy miracle, but I'm also still expecting them to show up right at the end as a cruel joke.
  • Friday is my last day in the office, I am so excited to work from home in my pjs!
  • I still haven't actually packed my hospital bag yet.  95% of the items are laid out on our spare bed, but I still have yet to put them in a bag... maybe after I publish this post haha.  Here's a little snack basket I made as a thank you for the L&D nurses.

Anybody that knows me, knows that patience isn't exactly my forte, but I'm really trying to just relax.  In my birth class we learned that the average first time mom births at 41 weeks and 1 day.  So there's only 8 days till my due date, but really it could be double that.  Baby will come when she's ready!

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