
Thursday, August 31, 2017

My Pregnancy: Week 35

Happy Birthday to me!  I'm 31 today and I'm pretty sure this year is going to be one I'll never forget.

Still got my pull ups!

Friday's WOD was a nice little chipper: 30 hand release push ups (incline PUs on the barbell for me), 20 squat cleans (95# Rx - I did 55), 30 pull ups, 20 jerks, 30 toes to bar, 20 clean and jerks, 25 minute cap.  I figured 30 pull ups in a row was too many, so I did 15 and then another 15 instead of the toes to bar.  I warmed up 65# on the barbell, but it felt kind of heavy, so I went with 55.  It ended up feeling pretty easy and I was able to cycle a lot of the movements.  The pull ups were the hardest part of the workout, I'm honestly not really sure how I'm still getting up there lol, but they actually hurt my hands more than anything.  My fingers have been aching, apparently carpal tunnel syndrome is common in pregnancy, so gripping the bar is more difficult in general.  I finished in 19:30.

Friday night we had a nice little date night out at Bonefish Grill.  We had a $50 gift card and a free entree, so it was very economical.  We split their famous bang bang shrimp appetizer, each got yummy seafood entrees (twin lobster tails for me!), and Dave convinced me to share the coconut pie for dessert.  Even with some drinks for Dave our bill came out to $18!

On Saturday Dave got up and took Carmela for a nice long walk and let me sleep in.  He's been so awesome with that on the weekends and apparently I really needed it, because I woke up at 10:15 after 10+ hours of sleep.  In the afternoon I attended a baby shower for Laura, a friend from the gym who is due 2 weeks after me.  It was great to celebrate her and get lots of post birth advice from the other mamas there.

Sunday we had our fantasy draft, so I stuffed my face with pizza and faked more than a few people out with my delicious rootbeer.

I'm the only girl in my fantasy league and everything felt like business as usual for the afternoon, like I was just one of the guys... until I rolled my ankle taking a step down out of the house and I went down!  Thankfully I fell straight to my butt.  My friends gathered around me in a panic... worried about the 35 week pregnant lady that just bit it!  I was a little worked up, my ankle hurt and I had tears in my eyes, but I insisted I was fine and was up and walking around with no issues except for a my ankle feeling pretty sore.  I never felt anything in my belly, no cramping or weird sensations, and my ankle felt fine the next day, but all I could think of was my OB telling me to avoid falling risks.  Apparently I can CrossFit, but taking one step down is too much!  Thankfully my ankle felt totally fine when I woke up the next morning.

I switched up my gym schedule this week and hit the gym on Tuesday morning.  The strength portion was build to a heavy single strict press and push press (aka strict press + dip with your legs).  I got to 85# on my strict press, which is pretty close to my max, so I was impressed with myself.  I did 105# for my push press and it was pretty easy.  The WOD was a bunch of burpee box jumps and double unders, so I decided to do Monday's workout.

I went with 65# and the first few rounds were super easy.  But then it got hard!  The squats were definitely the hardest part for me and I just got winded in general.  I made it through the 10 rounds and then the 11th (4 reps for each) and 12th (5 reps) and then made it through 6 cleans, 6 squats, and 3 jerks to finish.  I was totally spent.  My pelvis felt kind of sore for the rest of the day, so I'm thinking it may be time to back off of weighted squats.

Tuesday night Dave took me out for a fancy birthday dinner at the Kimberton Inn, which is where we had our rehearsal dinner.  The meal was absolutely delicious and the service was outstanding as well.  I started with the lobster bisque and Dave got the seared sirloin scalloppine.  Both were very rich and melted in your mouth.  For our entrees Dave got the boneless duck breast and duck leg confit, the breast was so tender and moist, and I went with the bourbon-molasses glazed organic king salmon fillet, which was really unique and cooked perfectly.  Dave said it's the first salmon he's actually liked haha!  For dessert we split the double chocolate torte.  It was a wonderful birthday treat.

On Wednesday we did a maternity shoot in Valley Forge with our friend Megan!  I was a little nervous beforehand since I'm feeling pretty large these days.  I was worried I was going to get the pics back and hate all of them because of my big fat face lol.  But the shoot was great!  It was a little awkward at first, but over the hour both Dave and I got more comfortable and she got some gorgeous shots.  I'm going to post a bunch of them later, but here's a teaser :)

Other random week 35 stuff:
  • I'm finally starting to feel pretty uncomfortable.  My pelvis is aching (yes baby I feel your head), it's really hard to roll over and get out of bed, and forget bending over.  I guess I can't be too sad that I'm finally struggling at 35 weeks.
  • My friend Jes got me this a few weeks ago and I totally forgot to post it, but I had to share!
  •  The dog thinks my pillow fort is for her.  She's always trying to steal my snoogle!
Who me?

Less than a month left... except I'll probably go a week over my due date lol.  We shall see! 


  1. So excited for you, and can't wait to see more pictures from your shoot (that one is AMAZING)!

  2. Happy birthday, Amber! Love you to pieces!!

  3. Happy birthday!! Those little sequin booties are adorable. :D


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