
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January Whole30(+5): Days 11 - 17

Day 11, Thursday 1/19/17 - I got 8 hours of sleep and woke up feeling great.  I was really hungry in the morning and ate a compliant Rx Bar that I had hanging out in my desk drawer at work.  I need to make a big breakfast casserole for next week!  I never had my regular afternoon lag and felt full of energy all day.  Dinner was leftover chicken fingers and a salad.  I was happy not to cook!

Day 12, Friday 1/20/17 - Couldn't get my butt to bed early, so I only got 6.5 hours of sleep and I really felt it in the morning.  The WOD was 100 thrusters (45#), 75 wall balls, 50 pulls ups, and 25 burpees.  I broke it up into 5 rounds of 20, 15, 10, and 5.  The thrusters felt decent since they were so light, but halfway through the workout my butt remembered that I did a bunch of pistols on Wednesday and it got really sore!  I chugged along through the workout, but the 25 minute cap got me in the 5th round after 20 thrusters, 5 burpees, and 2 pull ups.  We went over to Jeff and Arley's for dinner and Chef Jeff's fajitas did not disappoint!  I was full of energy all day, but right around 10 pm I started to crash.

Day 13, Saturday 1/21/17 - I slept in till 9 something... I think I got almost 10 hours of sleep lol!  I woke up and felt amazing.  I made some sweet potato hash for breakfast before heading off to the grocery store.

I think I'm starting to become friends with the guys in the meat department at Wegmans.  I found my bacon and stocked up with 3 packs!  We headed to Applebee's for "lunner" for Tom's 25th birthday!  I ordered the bourbon street chicken and shrimp that came with fried onions, mushrooms, and potatoes.  I knew my meal wasn't fully compliant due to whatever the chicken was marinated it, whatever oil it was all cooked in, and it definitely came with a blob of herb butter.  But I avoided boneless buffalo wings, spinach dip, and later watched everyone eat chocolate cake, eclairs, and cream puffs.  The two clementines I had for dessert did not fill the void.

Day 14, Sunday 1/22/17 - Another night of tons of sleep.  Why not?!  I woke up and had some leftover sausage and sauerkraut for breakfast before church.  Afterwards I headed to Jes's for lunch and we tag teamed this mango chicken.  It came out so delicious!  I will definitely be making it again.

Dinner was good, but I still think my wing sauces could use improvement.  Glad I did a trial run before the super bowl.

Day 15, Monday 1/23/17 - I got 7 hours of sleep and really had to convince myself to get my butt out of bed for the gym.  The strength was snatches at 70-80%, every 30 seconds x 8.  I wanted to do 80#, but it didn't feel great for my back, so I stuck with 75# and they felt great.  The WOD was a redo of 15.2, I opted to scale to try and compare my numbers with last time.  I got 114 reps, which was 12 reps less than last time, but I actually worked out 3 minutes less so it was still better!  I finally made the Southwestern Frittata to have breakfast for the week.  After finishing, I really didn't want to make dinner, but I promised myself that it would be worth it and I could get Chipotle tomorrow when I'm actually busy.  My energy was up all day, I felt great. 

Day 16, Tuesday 1/24/17 - Another 8 hour night of sleep and getting out of bed was easy.  I skipped a lunch meeting with free pizza to avoid temptation (and to make up hours for the chili cookoff I'm hosting on Friday).  It was pretty cold out, but finally not raining so I took the dogs for a nice leisurely mile when I got home from work.  I went to barbell club in the evening and we did a bunch of snatches.  I was a little inconsistent, but I did hit some really great lifts.  We got Chipotle for dinner on the way home.  I'm glad the new chorizo is Whole30 compliant because the guy making our bowls told us the carnitas was super dry today.  I really miss dairy and I was pretty sad that my bowl didn't have cheese and sour cream in it.  I really wanted the rice too.

Day 17, Wednesday 1/25/17 - I slept like crap.  I think I'm going to blame the clingy dog who kept waking me up.  We've been pretty loose with the dogs sleeping in our bed since we got Butler's cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago.  They don't usually bother me, but last night wasn't great!  I was pretty annoyed when I woke up at 4:30, but I was seriously full of hatred when my alarm went off at 5:10.  I dragged myself out of bed and off to the gym.  My handstand push ups were so good (with one ab mat under my head) that my coach told me I'm not allowed to scale anymore.  My double unders were super hit or miss, I struggled through the first round of 45, only getting a few at time, but then the next round I did 30 in a row!  I need to get them completely consistent before the Open.  I was a little tired midday, but when I left work I was feeling energized by the great weather.  I took the dogs for a nice walk and then whipped up dinner.  More loaded fries!

Tomorrow marks my halfway point and things are really going well.  Not really sure when I'm going to post my next meal plan because I still have some leftovers and all I can think about cooking right now is chili.  I'm putting my own spin on this pulled pork chili and hoping to come home with the trophy.  Wish me luck!

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