
Saturday, January 14, 2017

January Whole30(+5): Days 1 - 5

Paleo Pad Thai made with Chef Jeff and Arley on Sunday night.

Day 1, Monday 1/9/17 - I wanted to go to sleep early, but it didn't happen and then I slept like crap.  I debated skipping the gym and climbing back into my warm bed, but instead I plopped dinner in the crockpot and got in my car.  The workout was a bunch of wall balls and snatches that I Rxed, but I was definitely feeling the lack of cardio endurance from the two weeks I basically took off over the holidays.  I'm still getting over a cold from last week, but I don't feel too bad.  I was pretty exhausted midday, but had more energy when I left work.  Dinner was super tasty.  I fell asleep on the couch before 9 pm.

Crockpot Beef, so simple but so good.

Day 2, Tuesday 1/10/17 - I got over 8 hours of sleep and it was glorious!  All day I was wondering if I was going to face the dreaded carb flu which usually manifests itself as a late afternoon headache for me, but I felt fine.  I went to the gym and did the bonus workout for the nutrition challenge, a 50 calorie row that I completed in 2:26 and then hung around to work on my snatch at barbell club.  I hit a full snatch + hang snatch combo at 95#, which is 10 less than my max, and it felt great.  I didn't have time to make the dinner I had planned, so Dave helped out and we had a simple dinner of roasted sweet potato, butternut squash, onions, and peppers with some apple chicken sausage and dippy eggs.  It really hit the spot. 

Day 3, Wednesday 1/11/17 - Woke up and went back to the gym!  Wasn't my favorite day with push presses and jerks followed by a WOD of deadlifts and burpees, but I did it.  They had a free breakfast at work and I filled my plate with fruit, but boy did that monkey bread look amazing.  For the second day in a row, I couldn't finish the lunch portion I had packed for myself, which is not usually a thing in my life haha.  My back was feeling a little cranky (I guess going 3 days in a row after taking almost 2 weeks off will do that), but it felt great after leaving the chiropractor.  Again I was wondering if I would end the day with a headache, but instead I took the dogs for a warm walk at the park and whipped up dinner.  I did get a cute zit on my chin though.

A quick tomato cucumber salad appetizer followed by Bora Bora Fireballs and some roasted broccoli.

Day 4, Thursday 1/12/17 - I woke up feeling nice and refreshed.  I was a little tired after lunch but not terrible.  Our friends invited us to their holiday party at the country club they both work at.  I knew there was going to be lots of food that would be off limits for me so I ate some leftovers before we went.  These kind of events are usually my downfall and to be honest, when we got there I figured I would probably eat whatever protein and veggies they had and not really stress if it was 100% compliant or not.  But when I saw the food, I decided that none of it was worth it... although I died a little inside watching everyone make their own loaded tots at the tater tot bar.  I was really proud of myself!  Avoiding the open bar was easy and didn't stop me from dancing the night away and singing some karaoke.

Day 5, Friday 1/13/17 - Even though I got 7 hours of sleep, I felt pretty exhausted from staying out late last night.  I was starving when we got home from the party but just went to bed, so my breakfast of leftover crockpot beef really hit the spot!  I skipped the gym in the morning to get more sleep, but I went at 5 pm and I was really excited for the workout!  We were retesting something we did last July and I knew that I could beat my score!

Last time I got through 9 of the burpees, so my goal was to get to the barbell for the power cleans.  Since my double unders have improved so much, I figured I'd cruise through them and make up a lot of time there.  My jump rope had other plans.  The screw holding the handle on flew off immediately when I started!  I couldn't believe it, I was pissed!  I tried to use someone else's rope and it was way too short and I couldn't do one dub.  I grabbed another rope and it was too long.  I was like the freaking Goldy Locks of jump ropes.  I was struggling so much, I actually considered quitting completely.  I kept going and managed to connect some dubs and finally got through the 50.  I was so upset, it literally ruined my whole workout.  I had quite a few no reps during the chest to bar pulls ups and I really thought there was no way I would beat my score, but I managed to get 13 more burpees than last time.  I was too annoyed to be happy about it.  I'm considering retesting it in a few weeks.

After the gym, I hit the grocery store.  Wild Friday night!  I came home and marinated some pork while Dave whipped up an easy dinner of roasted asparagus, tomatoes, and garlic with baked flounder.

5 days down, 30 to go...


  1. Hi Amber! Great update! Way to stay with it! What's the recipe for the crock pot beef? :)

    1. Thanks! Here's the recipe, I always sub coconut aminos for the Worcestershire sauce and add a bag of baby carrots.

    2. ...the freaking Goldy Locks of jump ropes!!! I love it!


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