
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Our Trip to Italy Part 6: A Rainy Day at the Colosseum

Ok, I know it's been over a year since our trip.  And I know you would probably rather see pictures from Hawaii.  But I have to finish these!  There only a few left, I promise!

Catching up?

We started our day off with breakfast at a lovely cafe down the street, which was included in our hotel stay.  We sat in the window and enjoyed cappuccinos with ham and cheese sandwiches and pastries.

Our first activity of the day was the Baths of Caracalla.  It would've been a 3 mile walk from our hotel and we knew we had plenty of walking to do later, so we decided to save our legs and take a cab.  The weather was looking pretty iffy and the baths were almost empty while we were there.  It was pretty cool to picture how grand it must have been back in the day, but I think we would've gotten more out of this with a tour guide.

Our next stop was Palatine Hill, the Forum, and the Colosseum.  Our tour started soon after we arrived and we headed into the ruins.  Our tour guide was awesome and super knowledgeable.  It was raining on and off during our entire tour, but it wasn't too bad.

Afterwards we headed into the Colosseum.  We had booked the underground tour that was supposed to take us down below the floor, but due to the rain they were not allowing anyone to go there.  It was kind of a bummer and some people in our tour were pissed about it, but you can't control the weather and the tour group gave us a small refund.  Our tour did include exclusive access to the arena floor and the third tier as well.

The Colosseum was awesome!  I was truly in awe of the scale of such a project built so long ago.  Our tour guide told us that the large gladiator games were only held about once a month because they were so expensive and that everything was free to the public, fresh water, large feasts, and epic entertainment.  She told us that they brought in animals from all over the world and after they were killed in the arena they would distribute the meat to the people for them to cook right then and there.  They would basically have a big tailgating party around the outside.  She also told us this lead to a few fires in the Colosseum, but because the building was designed so well not one person died while evacuating.

Being on the arena floor was really cool.  They rebuilt a portion of it to give you an idea of what it would've looked like.

Next stop, second tier.

When we got up to the third tier, the sky completely opened up on us, it was pouring and super windy!  The timing was kind of hilarious.  But the views were worth getting wet for!

After we finished up, we had planned to check out a few more things like an open air market and the Pantheon, but we were soaked (mostly Dave, Mr. I Don't Need an Umbrella), starving, and over it.  We trekked back the 2 miles to our hotel and decided to grab some lunch at the super cute place directly next to our hotel, Mimi e Coco.

Dave ran up and changed into a fresh pair of clothes, but I was feeling ok.  After our iffy dinner the night before, I was feeling like I needed some veggies in my life and kinda sick of wine (in Italy, I know... the horror).  I ordered a yummy vodka drink and we split a tuna salad and a veggie pizza that seriously hit the spot!

We were having a really nice time people watching and hanging out.  I was probably on my second drink, but I wouldn't really say that I was drunk when I went to push my chair back a little and instead knocked our entire table over, putting the majority of Dave's wine all down his front!  I was fairly mortified, but the table was pretty wobbly and the waitress came out and said I was not the first person to do it.  She splashed some water on the ground and brought us new drinks and Dave went up to our room to change his clothes, again!

Eventually we headed up to our room to shower and relax.  We drank a bunch of wine and lounged and then eventually enjoyed some prosecco in the courtyard before we headed off to dinner.

Earlier in the day we told Traiano about our little dinner experience, so he insisted that we go enjoy a less "traditional" dinner at one of his favorite places.  He told us that he was friends with the owner, but not because he was friends with someone who owned a restaurant, but because he had gone there so much that he became friends with the owner.

Our dinner at Cybo was one of the highlights of our entire trip!  When we arrived they were still prepping our table, so we sat down at the bar where we were treated with complimentary champagne.

A few minutes later we were seated at our table right in the front window.  The bar had an extensive cocktail list and my coconut mojito was one of the best drinks I've ever had.

Dave started with cheese filled pasta with bacon and I went with the shrimp risotto.  Both dishes melted in your mouth.

Next Dave ordered a medley of seafood and I got the salmon.  Everything was just perfect.

Our meal concluded with the best tiramisu I've ever tasted with a coffee ganache.

It was such a wonderful meal, quite the redemption from the night before!

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures from Italy... Italy trip is always memorable. I loved reading your blog... Thanks for sharing


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