
Monday, August 15, 2016

Weekly Workouts & Phoenixville, Sushi, and the Phillies Game

It was another great week in the gym for me and I was flattered to be all over CFVF's social media!

M - 1.3 mi walk

T - CrossFit
  • Gymnastics: Death by Strict Pull-Ups (min 1 - 1 pull up, min 2 - 2 pull ups, etc...) - I used the red band to assist me since I don't really have a strict pull up yet.  Apparently in April I got 5+5 and in June I got 6+6.  This time I got 7+4, yay for measured improvement!
  • Metcon: 5 Rounds for Time
    • 3 Wall Walks
    • 9 Toes to Bar
    • 15 Calorie Row
I love the rower.  I love the rower.  I love the rower... if I say it enough times will it start to be true????  The wall walks (start laying face down, put feet on the wall, walk up to a handstand) were fine.  The toes to bar went pretty well.  I was able to connect a bunch of them in a few rounds but towards the end I was too tired to get the timing right.  The rowing sucked.  I really tried to zone out in the 3rd and 4th rounds because it was just miserable.  There was a 15 minute cap, I got to the rower for my final round right before it hit but I knew I was just going to finish no matter what.  I was the last person working and everyone was cheering me on as I finished.  I really dug down deep and was pulling super hard.  I was getting 1 calorie per pull!  I finished at 15:49 and flopped off the rower knowing I gave that last row everything I had.
  • After Party: Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) for 5, 20 Sit Ups - These were exhausting, but not bad.  I did some double unders afterwards.
W - CrossFit

  • Metcon: 5 x AMRAP 3
    • 6 Wall Balls (20/14)
    • 12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
    • 24 Double Unders
    • 1 Minute Rest in Between
I really like this format compared to the "every 3 minutes" since everyone works the whole time and you get that minute of guaranteed rest, as opposed to me just barely finishing each round while everyone else is resting.  All my double under work seemed to pay off because I was pretty consistent and I didn't hate them.  The kettlebell swings were definitely the hardest part.  The 35 lbs KB still feels super heavy but I do feel like I'm gaining more confidence with it and I have more control overhead.  The wall balls were actually my rest period!  My goal was to beat one of the top people in my gym (who is amazing at everything, but still struggles at dubs) who had done 8 rounds + 6.  When I was in the 4th time period I was starting to think it wasn't possible, but in the final 3 minutes I got to the jump rope in my 8th round and I realized I could do it if I pushed!  I got through the dubs and got through the wall balls quickly after.  I was gasping for breath and the last thing I wanted to do was pick up that kettlebell, but I busted out 10 reps before the clock ran out!  I got 8+16 and it felt so good!
How cute...

Th - Rest

F - CrossFit
  • Hero WOD Friday: "Nutts"
    • To honor Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009.
    • For Time (40 Minute Cap):
      • 10 HSPU - I didn't Rx these, used 1 ab mat, no plates though
      • 15 Deadlift 250/175 - I did 115#, I don't mess around with my back!
      • 25 Box Jump 30"/24"
      • 50 Pull Ups
      • 100 Wall Balls 20/14
      • 200 Double Unders
      • 400 m Run with Plate 45/25
Other than the 2 modifications I made at the beginning, I did the rest of this workout Rx!  The box jumps were 4" higher than usual, but they actually felt really good.  I thought the pull ups were going to be bad, but I just kept chipping away and they were fine.  The wall balls sucked!  My legs started hurting half way and I did them in sets of 7 and 8.  The double unders took me a while, but I kept at it and did ALL 200!  My "run" ended up being a weird trot that turned into a walk.  The plate was super awkward to carry and I was breathing really heavy, but when I was coming back, I saw a few people outside cheering for me and I finished strong with a slow jog!  The whole thing took me 32:38!
S - My legs are so sore!

S - Nada

Our weekend was pretty busy.  We went out in Phoenixville with some friends, worked a few hours from home (blah), did a lot of Folk Fest prep, enjoyed a sushi dinner at a friend's new house, and sweated our butts off at the Phillies game!

I always wish I took more pics, but oh well!  Since this week will be full of packing, cooking, and prepping for the Philadelphia Folk Festival and my calves still hurt from last week, I think I'm just going to take it easy and get back to the gym next week.  I'm sure I'll get my workout on Thursday when we're lugging all our stuff into the campgrounds!

Have a great week :)

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