
Saturday, February 27, 2016

My February Whole30: Days 11 - 16

This week was pretty easy.  I made so much food over the weekend that I didn't have to do much cooking all week.  I think I'm going to try and repeat that for this coming week!

Day 11 - Saturday 2/20/16
  • Breakfast: Wasn't really hungry when I woke up, enjoyed a cup of green chai tea
  • Lunch: Leftover Paleo Pad Thai
  • Snack: I ate a pretty small portion for lunch and I was feeling pretty hungry around 3:30 pm.  The sun was shining and it was almost 60 degrees, so I whipped up a smoothie with some frozen blueberries, fresh strawberries, coconut milk, and spinach.
  • Appetizer: Guacamole with plantain chips and carrots
  • Dinner: We had our bffs Megan and Stephen over for dinner and I made the Korean Noodle Bowl from the Against All Grain cookbook.  It came out amazing!  I also enjoyed a Trilogy kombucha in lieu of drinking with everyone.
  • Sleep: 8 hours + a 30 minute nap
  • Workout: I met up with Leah for a 3.77 mile walk/hike with the dogs.  We went to the Black Rock Sanctuary, a new to us spot, and the weather was perfect.  All the water was still frozen and beautiful, but it was in the high 50s and it felt great.
  • Thoughts: My forearms are SO sore from bouldering!

Day 12 - Sunday 2/21/16
  • Breakfast: Cup of coffee
  • Lunch: BLT lettuce wraps with half an avocado and a coconut La Croix
  • Snack: A salad, since I was headed to Dave's aunt's house for dinner I wasn't exactly sure how much of the meal was going to be compliant and I didn't want to show up starving, so I figured eating a nice salad before I went wasn't a bad plan.
  • Dinner: I brought along some Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus as a side to share but dinner ended up being compliant anyway.  We had a delicious roast, green beans, and a potato salad (that was mustard based... and I actually liked it!), I had to skip the salad because of the blue cheese and dressing, but I was all set anyway since I had one before I came.  The hardest part was staying strong when Kay forgot and waved a piece of cake in my face lol.  I enjoyed a gingerberry kombucha as my dessert.
  • Sleep: 8.5 glorious hours
  • Workout: 1 mile walk with the pups
  • Thoughts: I typically do a Whole30 in January and this dinner is always a huge fail for me.  Every time I would go in with the intentions of not overdoing it and then after appetizers, wine, and cake, I'd always go home with a belly ache.  Not this time!  I wish I took a picture of the beef, it was so amazing.

Day 13 - Monday 2/22/16
  • Breakfast:  Coffee, bacon Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust from the Against All Grain cookbook that I made on Sunday and 2 clementines
  • Lunch: Burrito bowl from Chipotle with carnitas, pico and green salsa, lettuce, and guac
  • Dinner: Leftover Paleo Pad Thai
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Workout: CrossFit
    • Strength: 5 x 3 Back Squats - I got up to 145 lbs, heaviest weight in a while!
    • WOD:
      • 30 Squat Cleans (135/95) - I used 85#
      • 3 Burpees EMOM (every minute on the minute)
      • 10 Minute Cap
I really should've done a lighter weight.  When I got half way, it started hurting my back but unfortunately I didn't stack the bar in a way that I could've taken any weight off mid WOD.  I thought about quitting, but I just couldn't.  I pushed really hard the last 2 minutes because I refused to do any more burpees.  My back felt awful all evening.
    • After party: I did 15 strict pull ups with a red band for assistance.  I also worked on my kipping pull up a little bit, trying to see if I could get one chest to bar pull up since that will most likely be the Rx movement in the Open WODs.  It seemed like I was high enough, but I could not get my chest to the bar.
  • Thoughts: Getting out of bed this morning was rough.  I'm still hoping for more energy first thing in the morning.  I got double meat in my burrito bowl at Chipotle since I had a free coupon and I couldn't even finish the whole thing.  I was SO full all afternoon.

 Day 14 - Tuesday 2/23/16

Day 15 - Wednesday 2/24/16
  • Breakfast:  Coffee and bacon Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust from the Against All Grain cookbook
  • Lunch: Leftover Paleo Pad Thai and strawberries
  • Dinner: Leftover Sun Dried Tomato Meatballs with Creamy Pesto and a salad
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Workout: Does scrubbing the inside of my microwave count?
  • Thoughts: Today was the day!  I finally woke up well rested and didn't snooze a million times.  My back still doesn't feel 100%, but it's so much better than yesterday.  I was supposed to go see Sue since she was doing appointments at my gym, but a got a flat tire on my way home from work so I cancelled all my evening plans.  FB memories reminded me that this day a year ago was when I completely blew out a tire on 476 on one of the coldest days of the year.  This was a much better scenario since I realized something was wrong when I was in my neighborhood and was able to make it home.
Day 16 - Thursday 2/25/16
  • Breakfast:  Bacon Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust from the Against All Grain cookbook
  • Snack: Coffee & 2 clementines
  • Lunch: Leftover Paleo Pad Thai and an apple
  • Dinner: Chef Jeff's famous fajitas & a passionberry kombucha
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Workout: 0.3 mile dog walk (set out to do more but the wind was brutal!)
  • Thoughts: Today I'm wearing pants that I bought online that really did not fit when I got them at the beginning of the month :D

I seriously miss chocolate and cheese but otherwise I'm not longing for anything off plan.  I can't believe I'm already over half way finished, it's honestly flying by.  This weekend is a great mix of relaxing and fun. Last night was the first workout of the CrossFit Open (and I killed it!) and I hosted a delicious Whole30 potluck with some girlfriends this afternoon.  The weekend will be capped off with enjoying some time with my family and the 60 degree weather tomorrow.  And some steaks :)

Can you eat the same thing all week?  Or do you get sick of it?


  1. I still need to find coconut La Croix!

    Wasn't 16.1 awesome! So fun.

    1. Yeah... fun... lol! Someone tried to console me mid workout by telling me I would be done soon and I could go enjoy the pizza someone brought. And I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I can't :( Haha.


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