
Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up - A Light Week

Well after going to the gym 4 times in a row last week, this week was sort of a dud.  It was a busy week and I was already struggling to get enough sleep, and on top of that my back was feeling kind of achy, so I just decided to let it go.  I'm really trying to listen to my body and actually heal my back!

S - 0.8 mi walk with dogs

M - 1.3 mi walk with dogs + Living Room WOD
  • 10 Rounds:
  • 25 Lunges
  • 10 Push Ups (I did them on my knees)
T - 1.3 mi walk with dogs + CrossFit
  • Strength WOD:
    • Back Squat Tabata (20 sec of work, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds)
    • Men - 135/95/75
    • Women - 95/65/55
    • Score is total weight moved (reps x weight)
    • I did 82 reps x 55# = 4510!
  • WOD:
    • 30-20-10-20-30
    • Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
    • After each round of KBS perform 15 Push Ups and 15 Sit Ups
    • I finished in 13:31 using a 26# KB and I did the push ups on my knees.  The KB swings felt fine on my back, yay!  I hadn't done them in quite a while.  My chest and arms were already sore from Monday, so those push ups were painful.
 The sunset right before our walk at Wilson Farm Park.

W - 1.3 mi walk with the pups
We're so happy the park has lights!

Th - 1.0 mi walk with the pups

F - 1.0 mi walk with the pups

S - 2 mi + 1.5 mi walks with the dogs

The weekend kicked off with a chicken parm feast with my bffs from work.  The quantity got a little excessive...

Saturday started out with some laps at the park and then I tried to get the dogs to sit nice for a little Christmas card photo shoot...

Obviously that went well!  I cannot believe how warm it was all weekend.  70 degrees in December is just nuts!  It was really nice to spend some extra time outside in the warmth.  Our Saturday wrapped up spending some time with Leah, Pete, and their new little guy Reese.  We enjoyed some siracha honey wings and what I deemed the best burgers ever!  It was great to catch up and get some baby snuggles in.

On Sunday I woke up nice and early and headed to the Suburban One cheerleading competition.  A bunch of my girls from the past few years are now on JV and I wanted to go see them compete!  The girls looked great and I was so proud!  My FB memories from this week have been all about Disney and Nationals, so it was nice to spend some time with everyone.  I did feel super weird sitting in the stands as a spectator and it sort of gave me the coaching itch...

My Sunday concluded with a 2.5 hour nap, some football and Game of Thrones (which we just started and it's so good!) and a big old plate of sushi.

Hoping to get more workouts in this week since I know I'm going to turn into a cookie monster in the very near future!  I also just wrapped up a nutrition challenge at the gym which went pretty well for me.  I'm trying to eat healthy in between all of our holiday events so I don't take this train too far off the rails.  I feel like a lot of people around me are getting sick right now, so it's a great time to get in some extra veggies and sleep.  Nobody wants to be sick on Christmas!

How was your weekend?  How are you prepping your body for the holidays?

1 comment:

  1. I commend you for being able to listen to your body and just relax. It's so hard to do that sometimes. I keep having to remind myself it's ok if I miss a workout and to just enjoy this time of year :)


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