
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hey Hey! What's Happening?

Well it's been a month and a half since I posted in ye old blog, so I thought I'd pop in and give you guys an update!

At the end of September we spent 11 days in Italy checking out Florence, Orvieto, Rome, Positano, and Naples.  It was amazing!  I planned it all myself and everything seemed to work out wonderfully.  We stuffed our faces, walked 98 miles (I just added this up and holy shit!), and drank so much wine that I legitimately got sick of it.  We saw the David, climbed 463 steps to the top of the duomo, drank wine in an Italian villa with the owner of the winery, went on VIP tours of the Vatican and the Colosseum, enjoyed the unbelievable views of Positano, and ate 3 pizzas in one day in Naples.  It was fabulous.  I took over 2500 photos and frankly I've been avoiding them because they are so overwhelming!

I started PT at the end of August and was cleared to come back to CrossFit a few weeks later in mid September.  As directed, I took it pretty easy coming back, but I also found it hard to get motivated, especially right before vacation.  Then we went to Italy and after I got back, I was discharged from PT with no remaining pain!  My first workout after vacation was Fran and it was nasty.  Now I'm working on getting back into the groove.  I thought I lost a lot of my strength, but I'm finding that most of my lifts are coming back really quickly.  My endurance is another story.  I've definitely been feeling super winded lately (and I've even had a few dry heave finishes...) but I know the only way to help myself is to consistently workout.

My diet sucks.  The scale has slowly but surely been going up since the end of August and going to Italy obviously didn't help.  I did a Whole10 at the end of October, which debloated my tummy and really got me excited, until the next week where I gained back all 7 lbs that I lost.  Halloween, friendsgivings, and football... oh my!  My clothes don't fit very well and I find myself avoiding some of my favorite outfits because they are so unflattering.  Big time WOMP.  Coincidentally my gym is starting a 4 week challenge tomorrow!  You earn points based on eating whole foods, hitting the gym, and getting lots of sleep.  It's not as rigid as a Whole30 and there's even a 2 hour cheat window each week (yay Thanksgiving).  I think it's just what I need right now. 

It's seriously weird not running off to cheer practice 3 days a week.  On one hand, I love having time to cook dinner, walk the dog, and go to the gym in the evening if I blow off my 5:15 am alarm.  But on the other hand, there's this void that leaves me feeling really low when I think of all that I'm missing:  the coaches, the kids, the excitement, the hard work, the challenge, the victory.  After 15 years... my fall just feels kind of incomplete without it.

Throwback from 2000, my first year of coaching!

We adopted a new pup yesterday!  Her name is Carmela and she's a 8 month old pit boxer mix.  We weren't really planning on adding to our family until after the holidays, but when I saw this little face on the Pitties.Love.Peace facebook page, I knew we had to meet her!  The adoption was riding on how Butler felt about her, but their first meeting was great and they're romping around the living room as I type.  I'm so happy she's a part of our family now!

I hope to get back to blogging on a more regular schedule, so see ya soon :)

What's new and exciting in your world?