
Monday, July 20, 2015

Weekly Workouts

Let's talk workouts!

S - 1.25 mi walk with Butler

M - CrossFit
  • Strength: Back Squat - Build to a heavy single in 8 sets or less.  I PRed at 185#!  That is 15 lbs above my last max!  I wore a belt and it really helped support my back.  After your heavy single max, then max reps at 75% with no excessive pauses.  I got 12 reps, which was a lot!  I think I still have room to grow with my max.
  • WOD: 7 minute AMRAP
    • Ascending ladder 3, 6, 9, 12...
    • Shoulders to Overhead (95/65)
    • Box Jumps (24/20)
    • I finished 15 + 21(?).  My right wrist starting hurting through this workout.  I was really hoping it wasn't a real injury.  I iced it when I got home and it felt fine when I woke up.
T -  CrossFit Barbell Club
  • 6 x 2 - Split Jerk, reset front foot then Split Jerk again, got up to 90#
  • 5 x 2 - Hang Clean and Jerk, finished at 95#
  • No wrist pain through all these jerks, yay.
W - CrossFit
  • WOD:  Running Clock
    • Minutes 0-6:  1 rep max Snatch - 95# I matched my previous PR!  I tried to hit 100, but it just wasn't happening.
    • Minutes 6-14: AMRAP - I finished 1 round + 55 reps
      • 30 Double Unders (I did 90 singles because dubs just weren't happening)
      • 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (I did regular pull ups)
      • 30 Double Unders (90 Singles)
      • 15 Toes to Bar
    • Minutes 14-20: 1 rep max Snatch - I had really low expectations for these snatches.  I thought I'd be tired and I wouldn't be able to put up as much as before, but when I started I felt great.  My body hurt so much at the beginning of class, I think the AMRAP really loosened me up.  I got to 95 and it was easier than the first round.  I put a 1 pound weight on each side and PRed at 97 lbs!  I tried 100 lbs one last time before the 20 minutes were up, but it was a no-go.  100 lbs snatch, I am coming for you!
  • After Party: 
    • Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes (3 sets)
    • 16 Overhead Lunges
    • I used 65# and boy did these feel heavy!
Th - 1 mi walk with Butler

F - CrossFit
  • Strength: Sumo Deadlift - Build to a heavy 2 rep touch and go in 8 sets or less.  Ugh... this was the first time I've tried these and my back started hurting as soon I put any weight on my bar.
  • WOD:  5 Rounds for Time
    • 15 Calorie Row
    • 5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
    • 5 Thrusters
    • (15 minute cap)
    • I finished in 11:42 with 65#.  The cleans did not feel good for my back, which sucks because they usually feel fine.  My back didn't really hurt on Wednesday.  I do remember doing a heavy snatch with some pretty crappy form, but I went to the chiropractor on Wednesday night and felt good.  I don't know if it was just the heavy week in general or the few sumo deadlifts I did, but this was the worst my back has felt in a while.  Honestly, I was grumpy pretty much the entire class.   I was so frustrated with my body.  On top of that, I had a blast at our extended happy hour the night before, but in the morning the food wasn't sitting right in my belly and I may have been mad at a certain someone who decided to stay in bed.
S - 2.15 mi walk with Butler + a ton of walking around the city + dancing

And as always, I really wish I took more pictures of our weekend.  We hung out on our friends' roof deck with the most amazing views.  We sweated our butts off and saw two Phillies wins!  We went dancing and ate delicious cheesesteaks.  It was a good one!


And then we did a lot of this...

What was the highlight of your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Hold it. Crossfit has an after party? Why am I always the last to know about this kind of stuff!!!!
    #lunges ;)


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