
Friday, July 31, 2015

Our Honeymoon Recap Part 5: Monkeys, Massages, and a Sunset Cruise

Our first full day at Aqua Wellness Resort started with monkeys!  We woke up hearing them coming down through the trees and ran outside with our camera.

I can't remember if we ran into them at the bar the night before or on the beach that morning, but the couple we met on the very first day of our trip at Laguna de Apoyo was staying at our resort!  They actually spotted us on Ometepe too, but I was completely oblivious at the time.  After we were done hanging out with the monkeys we headed down to the restaurant and ended up eating with Andrea and Glen.  The bfast turned out to be the best food at the resort complete with an omelet station, rice and beans, fresh fruit, and all the bacon I could stuff in my face.

I probably should've gone a little lighter on the bacon, because immediately after we went to do some yoga overlooking the ocean.  The views from the platform were beautiful.  It was a little hard to hear the instructor over the sounds of the surf, but who could complain?  It was Dave's first time doing yoga and he made it through almost the entire class (which was longer than the two other newbie dudes in the class).

After yoga, we hung out a little on the beach before heading to our couples massage.  It started with 30 minutes of an exfoliating scrub, then we showered, and the last hour was an amazing massage with oils that we had picked beforehand.  It was a wonderful experience!  We left with fresh juice and a fruit platter that we enjoyed on our little deck area.

Then we spent some more time on the beach.

And in the late afternoon, we boarded our sunset cruise!

Everything was kind of barren since it was almost the end of their dry season, but it was still so beautiful!  We had to laugh since there was a cooler on the boat with only 4 or 5 beers that we crushed in the first hour of the two hour ride and then asked where's the rest?  On our way back towards the resort, I got to use the only Spanish I remembered from many sessions of Spanish Behind the Wheel to ask if we could swim... since those beers went right through me ;)

Here's what our resort looked like from the water.

We went upstairs to freshen up and caught more amazing views.

Our night continued with a mediocre dinner at the beach bar.  The food at the resort just wasn't great.  While we were eating, we met a couple who told us about this amazing resort down the street that we just had to have dinner at.  The final piece of our romance package (which included the couples massage and sunset cruise) was a candlelit dinner on the beach that we had scheduled for our last evening at the resort, but they insisted we skip it and make reservations at Mukul's.  We thought about it for a little while and decided to do it!

Our evening ended with a bonfire and some dance lessons on the beach with our favorite bartender, who was trying to teach all the men to move their hips, it was hilarious.

To be continued... Part 6


  1. Note to self: Bacon and Yoga don't mix.
    Stunning pictures. I love them all!

    1. The bacon would've been good AFTER yoga ;)


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