
Friday, April 17, 2015

April Whole24: Meal Plan Days 20 - 24

Well this was my menu before I found out Dave was going away the whole week for work!  This is a first for him and rather unexpected.  Now I will have 4 Kettlebell Kitchen meals to eat to my face, our dinner with friends on Wednesday was postponed till next week, and instead my coworker Jeff invited me over for a Whole30 compliant meal with him and his wife Arley.  Otherwise I'll probably just try and clear out whatever is left in our fridge.  I figured I'd still post my original proposed meal plan since it was all typed out already and it's a bit more interesting than just saying delivery meals and random things in my refrigerator.

  • Brunch: Paleo Pancakes topped with apples cooked in coconut oil and cinnamon with apple chicken sausage
  • Lunch: Whatever is leftover!
  • Dinner: Egg Roll in a Bowl (never made it last week since we had so much food and I didn't want to waste anything I had already cooked)
  • Lunch: Leftover Chicken Zucchini Poppers with a big salad
  • Dinner: Having some friends over that just started their first Whole30!  I'm making Korean Noodle Bowls from Against All Grain (but subbing shrimp for the beef)

And that's it!  Kind of a lame ending, but having 4 of my meals prepped for me already plus dinner at Jeff and Arley's will make for an easy finish.  And next comes the fun part, trying to ride my own bicycle... 

Do you or your spouse travel for work?


  1. I need to do more weekly meal planning. I feel like every day we just fly by the seat of our pants, haha.

  2. Watch out for the sesame dressing - unless you made it yourself. I may be reacting to wheat, but also soy. I never knew that soy sauce has wheat in it until recently. I'm amazed.


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