
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Fifteen Point Two

Another week, another Open Workout!  15.2 was a repeat of 14.2 from last year, but between the PE (the 8 hour exam I took in April) and our wedding, the open was just too much so I didn't participate.

I definitely don't have chest-to-bar pull-ups, so it was a no brainer for me to do this one scaled!

Unlike last week, I didn't have any anxiety going into this workout.  My pull-ups have been getting really strong lately.  The scaled division was also a lighter overhead squat (for women 45 lbs instead of 65 lbs) and less reps per round (start at 6 vs 10).  The only thing I was mildly concerned about was that I had already torn my hand earlier in the week doing pull-ups, so I figured I was probably just going to bleed everywhere.  Fortunately my friend Jeremy had a similar situation and he taped me up!  It still hurt throughout the pull-ups, but it was so much better than it could have been.

I finished the first round of work with over a minute of rest before the next time slot.  The next 3 minutes were a little harder, but I still had some rest before the 6 minute mark.  In the 10 rep section I was feeling pretty winded.  I wasn't sure I was going to finish before the 9 minute mark, but I whipped out those last 10 pull-ups and finished just in time... just in time to start the next round!  This was definitely going to be my last round, so I knew I only had to endure 3 more minutes.

Shout out to Coach Jules for always taking sweet pictures!  Maybe next
time she won't wait until the last round when everyone is dying ;)

I felt strong through the overhead squats.  The pull ups were a struggle, but everyone was cheering me on.  I finished the first set of 12 and had 1 minute left.  I did all 12 of my overhead squats without a break and ran over to do 2 more pull-ups before time ran out!  I did a total of 134 reps in 12 minutes!

This time last year I could barely do a pull-up and yesterday I did 62 of them!  Progress :)  Today is a lazy day!  We had a nice family brunch this morning and we don't have much on our agenda for the rest of the day except doggie snuggles, living room yoga, and a sushi date.

Happy weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Look at YOU in that squat! You are drippin' with Beastmode, baby.


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