
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Random Updates: Butler, Italy, & Workouts

We've had Butler for almost a month now and things are going really well.  He can be a little more rambunctious than we're used to, but most of the time he's happy gnawing on a bone or laying in your lap.  We're still crating him during the day, but we started not crating him overnight this week and he's doing great!  We were worried we were going to have two dogs jumping in and out of our bed all night, since Puddin' sometimes likes to sneak in in the middle of the night and Butler used to sleep in a bed at his foster home.  But both doggies have been sleeping in their beds on the floor... unless we snooze our alarms a million times, then we end up with two cuddly pups in the bed.  Puddin' has adjusted pretty well.  Butler is still testing her patience.  He loves to take toys and bones right out of her mouth and sometimes she could care less and other times she'll let him know that she's not a fan.

She's started to show interest in playing with him and sometimes he's into it and sometimes he's not.  I can't wait until we actually get a fence, I know they're going to love it.  I think we'll actually make this happen in the next month or two, when the temps are consistently above freezing.  The biggest thing we're still working on with Butler is not jumping up.  At his foster home, he was definitely allowed to jump up and give kisses.  Although sometimes it's cute, I can remember the first time I met Puddin', she jumped up and left a huge scratch mark down my leg and I said to Dave, when she is ours, she will NOT do that.  I do not enjoy dogs that jump up on people.  It can be really painful, it can be stressful for people that are already intimidated by dogs, and I do not want to be nervous having my dog around small children.  The fact that we own pit bulls makes this even more important.  So many people judge the breed without knowing anything about them and when they meet our dogs, I want them to be so well behaved and sweet that they can't help but change their minds.  Over time, Puddin' learned not to jump on people (except for certain people who spoil her rotten) and I know Butler will learn soon enough.  Puddin' has changed the minds of many of our friends and family, and I hope to own many pit bulls throughout my life who continue to do the same.

In other news, we officially booked our flights to Italy for a trip we're planning in the fall!  We are flying into Florence and from there we plan on checking out Tuscany, doing some sightseeing in Rome, hanging out on the Amalfi Coast, and flying out of Naples.  I've never been to Europe and Dave has never been to Italy, so we figured it was a great time to go while it's still just the two of us ;)  We're currently doing some research and gathering recommendations for hotels, restaurants, and transportation.  If you've ever been to Italy, please share all your tips with us!!!!

I've been majorly slacking getting to the gym this week.  My back hasn't felt great recently and I haven't been doing a good job getting to bed early, so staying in bed in the morning has been pretty appealing.  I played volleyball at our church on Wednesday for the first time in almost a year, so that was fun and it left me sore in some random places.  I'm headed to CrossFit tomorrow morning and yoga tomorrow night.  And I'm planning on going to CF on Sunday for the barbell club.  I guess I could do worse!

This weekend is going to be freezing.  On Sunday the low is supposed to be 1, real feel -23.  Other than CF & church, I'll be hibernating!  I have Monday off too, I am so looking forward to the long weekend.  Do you have Presidents' Day off?

I hope everyone has a lovely Valentine's Day!  Stay warm <3


  1. I agree with the jumping! And we've (almost) got Ivy completely trained. Surprisingly enough, she never jumps on kids and is SUPER sweet with babies...a good sign ;) -Heather

  2. Hi! I found you through HollyWouldIfSheCould and just completed my first Whole30 the exact same day yours ended as well - love your recipes and following along on your journey. I'm going to start a second Whole30 this Sunday (I didn't really stop this past week or so - but I had cheese and hummus a few times and a glass (or three) of wine) with a friend who wants someone to do it with. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. You're welcome and congrats! I love Holly's blog! Good luck on the next round :)

  3. Gah! So jealous of your Italy trip-- you'll have a blast! You really can't go wrong in Italy. When we went a few years back, I think I had gelato three times a day, every day. :-)

  4. So motivating to see workout post! Italy is wonderful, I read some place that folks actually carry Gluten Free cards. Was that in this blog? lol


    1. Hmmm I don't think so. I don't technically have a gluten allergy, so no card for me... I just know it makes my tummy blow up lol.

  5. Ohmygosh YES!! So excited for you to go to Italy!! I've been to Florence three times now, and just went to Rome and the Amalfi coast back in November. I have tonsss of tips for you. You have to let me know where you're staying and how long you're going for - I'll send you a bunch of recommendations!! I'm actually planning on writing a post about where I ate there :) You're kicking me into gear to finally do it!

    1. Yay! Looking forward to the post and I will definitely get in touch with you with more details because I would love to hear all of your tips.


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