
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Checking In!

Hello!  Just wanted to check in since the blog has been so quiet lately.  Obviously things have been busy since I was in Disney last week for Nationals and Christmas is rapidly approaching (and I'm not ready at all)!  I seriously can't believe it's almost 2015.

I want to write a full Disney recap with a bunch of pictures from different parts of the trip and post a ton of updated house photos, but ain't nobody got time fo dat... so how about some safari animals from Animal Kingdom?!



I think I got some pretty great shots with my little point and shoot if I do say so myself.  More updates soon!  Good luck shopping, wrapping, and prepping!  Happy Hanukkah!

Are you ready for Christmas?!


  1. So fun! Looks like you got some great pics.

  2. Happy Hanukkah! These animal pictures are beautiful!

  3. Ain't nobody got time FO DAT?!? I was questioning your vocabulary, especially since you are a college GRA-JU-IT.
    Then I clicked on the link!
    Thanks for the laugh!


    1. LOL are you the last person on the planet to see that video?! Glad you enjoyed it :)

  4. I am so glad you could go on such a fun adventure with your cheerleaders! I love your profile picture in your wedding dress. So sweet. Merry Christmas! Visiting via the comment section of Enjoying the Small Things. Wasn't that Santa party out of control AWESOME! Oh my word! : )


Every comment makes me smile, so keep 'em coming!