
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weekend Snapshots & Paint Colors

My weekend started off on Friday with a nice hike through Valley Forge with Puddin'.  I'll seriously miss having this trail in our backyard when we move.  I took P for a walk one of the nights we were at the new house last week and although there's a park nearby, you still have to walk on a busy road to get there.  It will definitely take some getting used to.

Afterwards, Dave and I spent some time battling traffic into the city.  We met Michelle and Alex for dinner and some drinks at a local pub and then headed to the TLA for a show.  The first act was a Jimi Hendrix cover band and the main event was a Led Zeppelin cover band.  Both bands rocked but let's be honest, nothing can compare to the originals!  I'm also getting old because my feet and legs were seriously in pain by the end of the show and my hatred for crowds is getting pretty serious.

The rest of our weekend looked a lot like this.

We're going with the bottom color for our kitchen, it's called Southern Breeze (and I can't stop singing make's me feel fine afterwards).  Things are moving along in the house!  We have the kitchen, living room, and spare bedroom all primed and ready for color.  The next two weekends are pretty booked for us, so we'll be trying to sneak in all the work we can on weeknights and we'll be accepting all the help we can get for the first weekend of October.  Once we finishing painting these rooms and doing a bit more cleaning, we'll be all ready to move in!  So crazy!!!!

Speaking of painting, I really want to do dark gray walls in our living room and so far the responses have been mixed.  I'm thinking an accent wall would be a good compromise and the lighter walls would keep the room from being too dark.  This is my inspiration, what do you think?

In between days of painting, I also had a football game to coach at and we had dinner at our friends Jeff and Arley's place while watching Penn State win a nail biter.  I need to see if Jeff will share his amazing Thai curry recipe with you guys, it's so good.  Overall our weekend was a nice mix of productivity and fun, although I will say it was a bit exhausting!

So tell me what you guys think about dark accent walls!  Love em?  Hate em?  Any tips?


  1. I think the dark grey looks beautiful. Although it might depend on how much light the room gets. I could see people thinking it might be too dark if there isn't enough sunlight. (Like in the example photo, lots of light). But I think just an accent wall will definitely work

  2. I love the idea of an accent wall! Gets the fun of the color without boxing you in and feeling overwhelming.

  3. I know I already weighed in on this in the email, but I love dark walls and I think since the room is so big and the flooring is light, you can definitely get away with it. And hey- it's your house, do what you want!! xoxo

  4. Well, hallooo there. I vote for gray walls!


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