
Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Nectar List

My friend Rachel shared this post on facebook the other day and tagged me in it.  The opening paragraph couldn't be more right, I am obsessed with setting goals and making lists to organize my thoughts.  But as the post suggests, it's easy to keep looking towards the future without taking a moment to reflect on what has already happened.
"That’s why I’m suggesting we all make what I like to call a Nectar List. It’s a lot like a Bucket List, but instead of listing the things we want to do before we kick the bucket, we list the things that have been the nectar of our existence so far. It’s cheesy, I know, but urbandictionary told me sweet nectar was slang for “to live” like kick the bucket is slang for “to die.” So deal with it."

So here is my Nectar List (which might really just be an "interesting facts about me" list):
  1. I was tattooed by the same man who tattooed both my sister and my mom.
  2. I took in the most breathtaking sunsets in Nicaragua (and did a little hitch hiking too).
  3. I had a supporting role in my high school musical where I did back handsprings across the stage.
  4. I've skinny dipped in the ocean.
  5. I completed a half marathon!
  6. This is my 15th year coaching cheerleading and last year my team won the National Championship, high score of the day, and a choreography award!
  7. I tried to catch my sister's puke with my bare hands on a bus in State College (if that's not love, I don't know what is).
  8. I learned how to play the intro to Stairway to Heaven on guitar (which I forgot and desperately need to relearn).
  9. I started lifting weights 13 years ago, as the only girl in the weight room with the football team.
  10. I saw 4th of July fireworks in Chicago over Lake Michigan.
  11. I've paid off almost $45,000 of my student loan debt in the past 6 years!
  12. I apparently couldn't be bothered to put some pants on to use the bathroom around 4 am at a music festival and was deemed the pantless goddess.
  13. I chugged a beer out of a hollowed out pumpkin.
  14. I married an amazing man who compliments me perfectly.
  15. I drove from Pittsburgh to Texas when I was 18, with a man I had only met a few days prior, to coach private cheer camps.
  16. I hiked Mount Nittany.
  17. I witnessed a wedding in the middle of the Folk Fest campgrounds.
  18. I've been parasailing and ziplining and I tried to go skydiving 3 different times, but the conditions were never right.  I took it as a sign that it wasn't meant to be.
  19. The first time I drank a beer in a bar, I was under 21 and my professor bought it for me.
  20. I've squeezed my way to the front row at various concerts including Incubus and Rusted Root, and I climbed on stage during Talib Kweli (the only rap show I've ever seen).
  21. I've won my (all male except me) fantasy football league twice!
  22. I took an 8 hour exam a month before my wedding (like a crazy person), passed, and became a Professional Engineer!
Hmmmm, I guess that's it... for now.  I feel like I'm missing so many things!

Tell me something from your Nectar List :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weekend Snapshots & Paint Colors

My weekend started off on Friday with a nice hike through Valley Forge with Puddin'.  I'll seriously miss having this trail in our backyard when we move.  I took P for a walk one of the nights we were at the new house last week and although there's a park nearby, you still have to walk on a busy road to get there.  It will definitely take some getting used to.

Afterwards, Dave and I spent some time battling traffic into the city.  We met Michelle and Alex for dinner and some drinks at a local pub and then headed to the TLA for a show.  The first act was a Jimi Hendrix cover band and the main event was a Led Zeppelin cover band.  Both bands rocked but let's be honest, nothing can compare to the originals!  I'm also getting old because my feet and legs were seriously in pain by the end of the show and my hatred for crowds is getting pretty serious.

The rest of our weekend looked a lot like this.

We're going with the bottom color for our kitchen, it's called Southern Breeze (and I can't stop singing make's me feel fine afterwards).  Things are moving along in the house!  We have the kitchen, living room, and spare bedroom all primed and ready for color.  The next two weekends are pretty booked for us, so we'll be trying to sneak in all the work we can on weeknights and we'll be accepting all the help we can get for the first weekend of October.  Once we finishing painting these rooms and doing a bit more cleaning, we'll be all ready to move in!  So crazy!!!!

Speaking of painting, I really want to do dark gray walls in our living room and so far the responses have been mixed.  I'm thinking an accent wall would be a good compromise and the lighter walls would keep the room from being too dark.  This is my inspiration, what do you think?

In between days of painting, I also had a football game to coach at and we had dinner at our friends Jeff and Arley's place while watching Penn State win a nail biter.  I need to see if Jeff will share his amazing Thai curry recipe with you guys, it's so good.  Overall our weekend was a nice mix of productivity and fun, although I will say it was a bit exhausting!

So tell me what you guys think about dark accent walls!  Love em?  Hate em?  Any tips?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Labor Day Weekend Fun

Dear Cape May,

Despite the numerous cloudy days you've given me this summer, our love affair continues.  The cajun catfish from your seafood market melts in my mouth.  The beach at Second Avenue is somehow never crowded.  The people watching at your preppy bars never fails to entertain.  I look forward to many more long birthday weekends with you.


PS Thanks for the amazing show of almost two dozen dolphins jumping out of the water and riding waves!  Let's make that a birthday tradition ;)

It's always so hard to leave, right Puddin'?

Did you have any Labor Day traditions?  Do anything fun to wrap up the summer?