
Monday, August 4, 2014

My July Whole25: Days 22-25

I meant to post this on Friday and then totally forgot...

Day 22 - Monday 7/28/14
  • Breakfast: Cup of coffee and slice of the egg casserole
  • Lunch: Leftover Lemon Ginger Chicken from The 21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook with Asian Cauliflower Fried Rice and a tasty peach
  • Dinner: Onions, peppers, mushrooms, and spinach sauteed in a pan with some shaved beef, some tomato paste, a splash of ACV, salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder
  • Workout: 6 pm CrossFit - The strength portion was a back squat of 3 reps EMOM (every min on the min) for 8 minutes at 80% of your max.  I lifted 115 lbs.  The WOD was a killer:
    • 15 Hang Squat Cleans, 9 Box Jumps (20")
    • 12 HSC, 12 Box Jumps
    • 9 HSC, 15 Box Jumps
    • 12 min cap
I used 65 lbs for my squat cleans, finished in 7:41, and was wrecked.  This was definitely a sprint and I tried to keep my breaks to a minimum.  Holy moly the 6 pm class was crowded!  I guess I'm officially a fan of my 6 am classes.

  • Sleep: 7.25 hours
  • Thoughts: My simple dinner didn't come out great (too much tomato paste) and I'm really starting to get sick of cooking.

Day 23 - Tuesday 7/29/14
  • Breakfast: Cup of coffee and the last slice of the egg casserole
  • Snack: An apple pie Lara Bar and a small green apple
  • Lunch: Leftover Lamb Meatballs with Paleo Tzatziki Sauce with a side salad of spinach, a blend of shredded carrots, cabbage, and celery, grape tomatoes, and sliced almonds with EVOO, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and Italian spices
  • Dinner: Chicken Spinach & Prosciutto Bundles (that I may or may not have made with non compliant bacon because I didn't have enough prosciutto...)
  • Snack: Pineapple, mango, coconut milk, and spinach smoothie
  • Workout: 6 am CrossFit - AMRAP in 15 minutes:
    • 400 m Run
    • 21 KB Swing
    • 12 Pull Ups
I completed 2 full rounds + the run + all 21 KB swings + 3 pull ups.  This was my first WOD with unassisted pull ups!  I have been working on pull ups for a while now and I got my first real one a few months ago, but I really can't string them together and putting them in a workout seemed impossible.  Doing them with resistance bands just isn't the same though, since CrossFit pull ups involve kipping (aka swinging your legs and popping your hips for momentum), and the resistance band definitely gets in the way.  I can't say they were the best pull ups in the world, but I was excited about them!
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Thoughts: Can't believe I went to the gym last night and this morning.  I feel like I was pretty hungry throughout the day and I guess that probably had something to do with it.

Day 24 - Wednesday 7/30/14
  • Breakfast: Coffee and pineapple, mango, coconut milk, and spinach smoothie
  • Snack: A small green apple
  • Lunch: Lunch out in the city with some coworkers after a meeting, coffee and a skillet with hot italian sausage, bacon, long hots, broccoli rabe, potatoes, and some sharp provolone.
  • Dinner: Coffee and a banana bread Lara Bar, by the time I got home from cheerleading it was 9:30, I had a headache, and I just went to bed.  I honestly wasn't really hungry all night, but I felt like crap by the time I went to bed, so it could've been lack of food, too much coffee, or a combo of both.
  • Workout: Worked out with the cheer girls that I coach.
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Thoughts: I have a coffee problem!  I've just been chugging it down all day lately and I need to pull back.

Day 25 - Thursday 7/31/14
  • Breakfast: Coffee, 2 hard boiled eggs, and an orange
  • Lunch: Chicken Spinach & Prosciutto Bundles
  • Snack: A bowl of pineapple
  • Snack: A small green apple, a Mystic Mango Kombucha, and some strawberries
  • Dinner: 3 pieces of grilled chicken (at 9:30 pm)
  • Workout: 6 am CrossFit - This one was a doozy:
    • 1000 m Row
    • 9 Shoulders to Overhead
    • 80 Double Unders (since my dubs suck, I did as many attempts as I could in 3 minutes, I got to 42 with 1-2 singles in between each one)
    • 7 Lunges with Bar in Front Rack (7 each leg)
    • 60 Sit Ups
    • 5 Thrusters (squat bar and then press overhead)
    • 400 m Run
    • 3 Overhead Squats
    • 20 Bar Over Burpees
    • 1 Bear Complex (power clean bar, front squat, press overhead, put on back, back squat, press overhead, throw bar down in victory :D)
When I looked this one up on the website the night before, I was like are you kidding me?!  It just seemed like a lot.  And nobody likes burpees at the end of the workout, especially when you have to jump over your barbell.  I racked up 65 lbs and finished in 19:00!  I felt like I really killed it on those burpees that I was especially dreading.  My coach was on my case during them and it really helped!  I think that's one of the biggest reasons I like CrossFit, it brings me back to me team sport days, when I would push myself to impress my coach.  I will definitely go further and faster when someone (other than myself) is holding me accountable.
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Thoughts: Today really lacked veggies.  With cheerleading starting up, I'm really going to have to do a Sunday cook ahead, utilize my crockpot, and lean on Dave a bit to make sure we're eating healthy.

Thank God it's over!  This weekend was a busy one and I definitely owe you some results!  Sorry to keep you waiting.

How do you eat healthy when you're crazy busy?

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