
Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Few Weekend Pics + Pan Fried Chicken with Bacon and Caramelized Onions

This weekend was a good one!  It began with a happy hour date in downtown Phoenixville with Shayna and Puddin'.  We sampled their menu and some martinis, took in some live classic rock covers, and really took advantage of the perfect weather.  Puddin' even got a doggie ice cream treat :)

The rest of my weekend was spent being super productive.  Saturday was a serious day of cleaning!  Sunday was spent at church, running errands, and then starting our Folk Fest prep!  Dave even finished building our brand new industrial wagon.

Obviously we had to test it...

After busting my butt for two days, ordering dinner out started to sound pretty good.  But I had plenty of food in my fridge and I knew ordering out would lead to bad choices.  So we sucked it up, Dave was in charge a frozen veggie side, I made a salad and came up with a quick recipe that may end up in my regular rotation.

This is one of those recipes that I really shouldn't even call a recipe.  It is so easy and simple, but so delicious!  Who knows, maybe you've even made this before.  But if you haven't considered frying some chicken and onions in bacon grease, you probably should!

Pan Fried Chicken with Bacon and Caramelized Onions

- bacon
- chicken breasts
- chopped onion
- salt & pepper
- garlic powder
- chipotle powder
- oregano

1. Fry some bacon in a pan over medium heat.
2. While the bacon is frying, season your chicken with salt, pepper, garlic powder, chipotle powder, oregano, and any other spices that move you at the time.
3. Remove the bacon from the pan when it is done.  Add your onions to the pan.
4. When the onions become translucent, add your chicken.
5. Cook the chicken, flipping throughout, until it is no longer pink inside (slice into it to make sure).
6. Serve the chicken and onions with your crispy bacon on top!

So easy, so tasty!  I think next time I'll be adding some mushrooms to the mix too.

How was your weekend?  Did you do anything fun?

1 comment:

  1. Puddin' is so stinking cute in your cart! We need another puppy play date STAT :-)


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