
Sunday, July 13, 2014

July Whole25: Week 2 Meal Plan

Today wraps up Week 1!  The eats were tasty and I already feel like my stomach has deflated a bit.  I definitely haven't gotten enough sleep and I'm looking to fix that this week.  My workouts went well and I'm hoping to continue that into this week too.  I'm utilizing some cookbook recipes for Week 2 to spice things up since I actually have some time to cook!

In last week's meal plan, I said I usually don't eat much for breakfast but I was working out in the am and I was pretty hungry so I ate some fruit, leftover veggies and Southwestern Frittata.  This week I'll be whipping up a batch of Apple Streusel Egg Muffins from Practical Paleo!

I didn't exactly follow my meal plan for last week since I never make the Slow Cooker Italian Pork Roast.  I was so burnt out on cooking from my 3 hour stint on Monday (yes, I was too lazy to even throw something in the crockpot), so I skipped it.  I ended up making the Crock Pot Beef Stew yesterday to eat after the grad party because I figured we might feel like we skipped a meal since we ate in the late afternoon and I'm making the Slow Cooker Italian Pork Roast today (so that's why it's featured again in this week's meal plan).

  • Lunch: Deli meat roll ups (ham/turkey with lettuce and tomato rolled up inside) or a salad topped with the meat
  • Dinner: Seafood feast (down the shore!)
  • Lunch: Deli meat roll ups or a salad topped with the meat
  • Dinner: ?????

We'll be down the shore this weekend, so I'm not really sure how things will go.  I will be balancing the Whole30 principles with trying not to offend my mother in law.  She knows I'm doing some kind of special diet thing, but loves to plan our eats for the entire weekend and doesn't seem very interested in learning anything about Paleo.  So I'm going to do a combo of eating my own foods and eating whatever she makes that is Paleo but maybe not Whole30 compliant.  If I succeed at avoiding my favorite dessert (her banana split cake aka whipped cream, bananas, pineapple, chocolate chips, and more), then I will deserve an award.

Does your family eat the same as you?  If not, are they supportive?


1 comment:

  1. All hail stomach deflation! (...and please send scallops)


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