
Monday, June 30, 2014

Our Wedding Recap Part 3: The Guys & Our First Look

First of all, a very Happy 29th Birthday to my handsome husband Dave <3

Second, another shout out to Fuller Photography for doing such an amazing job!

And third, catching up?
- Part 1: The Day Before
- Part 2: The Ladies Get Dolled Up

While the ladies took the entire morning to get ready at the hotel, the guys were hanging out at Dave's parents' house.

The trolley ride over to the guys seemed to take forever, including a ride up and over a mountain where it seemed like the trolley needed our "go, go, go!" chant just to make it.

Finally we arrived!  All the ladies got off the trolley and I waited until the photographers had everything set up.  When it was my turn, I approached the yard where Dave was waiting with his back for me and I was bursting with excitement.  It was so fun walking up behind Dave, knowing he wasn't allowed to look yet.

And then, he saw me!

It was such a special moment!  We were both in awe of each other and you could feel the anticipation of the rest of the day between us.  The Fullers captured our first look and then gave us a few moments to ourselves to soak it all in.  It felt so good to be united with Dave.

Once we were done our little moment, we all loaded on to the trolley for our photo shoot in the park!

To be continued... Part 4


  1. yeah, i teared up a bit reading this. love you both, and you both looked amazing!! i vote cutest couple!! :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! Congratulations and best wishes for a blessed marriage.


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