
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Handmade Beauty

The first time I met Dave's friends Mike & Jen, we traveled to Texas for a long Labor Day Weekend to stay with them.  To be honest, I wasn't super excited about the trip.  First of all, I didn't know the people we were going to visit.  And at the time, I really wasn't a huge fan of Texas because the only time I was ever there involved being stuck in the middle of no where (I mean, seriously the sticks), teaching cheer camps in staggering heat, in gyms with no air conditioning.  Despite starting the trip with my negative attitude, it was amazing.  We stayed in the guest house at Jen's family's lake house and we were shown some serious southern hospitality.  We were treated to a number of delicious home cooked meals, including a mouthwatering brisket that was smoked all day and served with homemade barbeque sauce.  They took us out on their boat, taught us both how to water ski, whipped us around on tubes, and showed us the beauty of the lake.  We got to cruise around on jet skis and in a golf cart.  The remainder of the trip was spent relaxing, playing games, and just getting to know each other and catching up.  It was a wonderful trip and when we left, I knew why Dave had made an effort to stay close to Mike & Jen even though they lived halfway across the country.

That trip was a few years ago, so let's fast forward to now.  Mike was one of the groomsmen in our wedding and at our rehearsal dinner, Mike & Jen presented us with an unexpected gift: a gorgeous handmade quilt that Jen worked on with her mom!

I'm not even sure these pictures do the piece justice, it is magnificent.  We got so many nice things for our wedding including a few more personalized gifts and I think they will really make our house a home :)

Have you ever received an amazing handmade gift?


  1. This is stunning! I am a quilter so I know how much work goes into them. I have received a few from my mother-in-law and they are very special to me.

  2. That quilt is beautiful!

    Although not handmade, someone once bought me a very nice quilt. I had set it in the laundry to wash and then one of my kids caused a flood in the basement. My kid moved the quilt under something were it was wet and forgotten. Once I discovered it, it was moldy. Please don't be like me. Take care of that quilt! xo

  3. Such a treasured and beautiful gift! I love it!

  4. One of my friends made Lila a handmade baby quilt when she was born-- I love it so much. This is such a cool gift that you will treasure forever!


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