
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lurong Living Paleo Challenge - Body Results (Before & After Pics!)

I already wrote about how excited I was about my workout results and now for the part that always seems to draw a lot of extra readers... half naked pictures of me on the internet!

The 8 week challenge involved following a strict Paleo Diet, similar to the Whole30, consisting of lots of veggies, meat, healthy fats (avocado, coconut, olive oil, etc), fruit, nuts, and seeds.  To be honest, we did a lot of cheating.  If I cooked it, it was compliant but we also went to parties, restaurants, and even a beer festival during the 8 weeks.  We were pretty strict during the week, but we let loose a little on the weekend.  Like I said before, I think this is pretty much how I want to eat on a regular basis.

I've got to be honest, the week before the challenge I was completely out of control.  I was stuffing my face with stuff that I don't even eat normally and I think I gained about 5 lbs that week.  All the processed carbs, sweets, and booze left me completely bloated and swollen.  It's crazy how much I can tell how each food affects me now.

 Yeah, that happened.

Body Results:



Before & After Pictures:

That first comparison before picture make me cringe.  The Paleo Diet obviously works for me and I don't think there's any way I can go back to eating the Standard American Diet (SAD).  I feel like I've taken the red pill and there's no going back.  Sometimes I wonder if the people in my life are sick and tired of hearing me ramble on and on about Paleo, but I just can't help it.  I feel like my eyes have been opened and I want to share that with the world.  What you eat directly affects your skin, your body composition, your energy, your ability to focus, and so much more, and I don't think many people actually consider that on a daily basis.  Fuel your body with real food and you will find out just how amazing you could feel.  My skin looks better, my nails are stronger, I never feel like I need to take a nap after I eat, my stomach isn't bloated, my workouts improve, and damn I'm going to look great in a bikini in Nicaragua on our honeymoon!

 Don't forget to like Busy, Bold, Blessed on Facebook   :)  


  1. Great results!!! I love paleo and the whole30, finally reached my goal weight after years of trying to lose those last 10 pounds on it!


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