
Thursday, September 12, 2013

End of Summer Photos

Well, we're almost halfway through September and I guess I'm starting to except that it's not summer anymore. I love fall with it's cool temps, pumpkin coffee, and weekends filled with football, but it's always hard to say goodbye to Cape May and days spent in my bathing suit.  I think I'll ease the pain with some pina coladas this weekend ;)

Are you ready for autumn?


  1. I'm with you - definitely not ready for summer to be over yet. This one feels like it just flew by!

  2. I'm ready! We got a fall-themed table runner and napkin set for our wedding last year and haven't had a chance to use it, so I finally broke it out last night and set our table all fall-y. Love it and I'm excited for the weather to cool down. It's just a nice breath of (cooler) fresh air- much more refreshing than the muggy stuff. Looks like you guys had a (delicious) blast at the shore- love the pics! Lobster mac & cheese? Mmm!

  3. I'm fully ready for Fall! I'm not big on the summer heat so Fall and Spring are my seasons. This Summer wasn't too bad though where I live. Things kept decently cool most of the time but we did have a couple of hot stretches. You took some great photographs! Love the look of that soup!

  4. I'm so ready for Fall- hayrides, pumpkin carving, and hot totties :-) Did you get a new camera? Your pics look awesome!

  5. I broke out my one fall decoration - a table runner. It's still sitting folded up on the table, I haven't actually placed it yet. I guess I'm not ready for summer to end quite yet, either. Let's toast a great toast to a summer send-off this weekend!

  6. I'm the same way-- I LOVE fall, but man I hate saying goodbye to summer. This in-between time is the worst-- fall isn't really here yet in terms of cooler temps (though we're getting there!), but summer is pretty much gone too (back to work, boo). Ready for fall in full force!!

  7. How is it that I used to live South Jersey and now in Delaware, and still haven't been to Cape May. I outta be slapped.
    Please tell me more about that soup and fancy creamy pasta-looking dish. I need both of those meals. Immediately.
    You're always sporting a happy, beautiful smile. Rock on, girlfriend.

  8. I was having a hard time saying goodbye to summer this year, not going to lie


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