
Monday, June 3, 2013

Special Olympics

My brother Tom has changed my life in ways that I can't describe.  I feel so lucky that I grew up with him in my family.  I've been exposed to challenging situations, frustrations, and sometimes a bit of heartache, but through it all he has taught me love, patience, and understanding.

The Special Olympics is always quite the event for Tom, but this year was over the top.  His excitement is always contagious!  His peers are amazing with him (remember Homecoming?!) and he drinks it all in, even kneeling down to kiss the hands of his female classmates.  Our family of five plus two boyfriends and two students turned into an entourage following him around event to event.  He may have gotten fourth in his 50 meter dash, but by his reaction, you would've thought he just won the super bowl!  And did I mention he got picked to run the torch?!

I can't believe he graduates on Friday.  Bring on the tissues!

Do you have any experience with disabled individuals?  How has it changed you?


  1. What an amazing guy to have as a brother! I watched the video of him being crowned and honestly did tear up! I have a cousin who went to the same high school as me and was in the same grade who is also mentally challenged. He had a wonderful group of friends and the whole school knew and loved Will! I'm so glad that he, along with your brother, had wonderful experiences in school and with their peers :)

  2. So love this post Amber. Tom is a great testament to the difference a fantastic family (especially great parents) can make in the life of a disabled person. Tom has become an icon in our community because of the love and care you all exhibit so freely. It's not easy to be the sibling of a disabled kid - not all do it as gracefully as you and Michelle - another sign of really great parents and the truly beautiful young ladies you and Michelle have always been. Kudos! Hugs to all of you and Congrats to Tom on his accomplishments - graduation - WOW!

  3. That looks like an amazing experience! Congrats to your brother :)

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! So inspiring :)

  5. I am so proud of Tom~seems like he had a great time! And I am so proud of you and Michelle for being the best big sisters a little brother can me having the best big brothers a sister can have�� my heart is bursting right now!!!!

  6. Oh, how wonderful! It looks like you all had such a special day! :)

  7. Happy Graduation to Tom! What an exciting time for him and your family. He seems like an incredible individual that is obviously inspiring so many!

  8. My brother is 10 years younger and has Down syndrome. He participates in local Special Olympics events. The 50-meter dash is his best event. He came in first last time! I'm always amazed at how fast he is, despite his unusual running style.

    Growing up with a disabled little brother has been such an amazing experience. There is a kind of sympathy, tolerance, and human decency that I have learned that I don't think I would have without him. He is such a loving person and so capable. I feel that having him in my life has really opened my eyes to the possibilities they we all carry within us.

  9. Great pictures! I got a little choked up. I'm so gonna cry on Friday at graduation!

  10. Sounds like you guy shave a blast a family and really support each other.

  11. That's one very excited man right there! What a sweety :-) Love the pictures Amber.

  12. Oh Amber! I just love this post. Totally made my morning :)

  13. He sounds like an amazing guy! Congrats on his graduation!


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