
Friday, May 3, 2013

Can we pleeeease talk about something other than food?!

The Whole30 has consumed my blog for the past month, but there's a bunch of other things going on in my life.  So let's catch up:

We canceled our cable!  Our cable bill kept going up and up, so we decided to take the plunge and cancel.  Here's a few of our reasons:
  • There is more and more daylight to be enjoyed.
  • We're so busy already between working out, volleyball, coaching, church, hanging with friends, etc.
  • We'd rather spend our money on other things like CrossFit, trying out new restaurants, maybe putting some work into our house.
  • We'll read and listen to music more often.
  • We can utilize Netflix (and we may sign up for Hulu, still cheaper than cable).
  • Philly sports teams aren't doing too hot right now anyway (and we can always hit the bar to watch the Phillies if we want).
I stopped washing my face with cleansers!  Have you ever heard of the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM)?  I've been giving it a go since the middle of March.  Some people swear by it and others have had disastrous results.  I haven't seen great improvements in my face, but it definitely hasn't taken a turn for the worse, so I'm still giving it a chance.  I oil cleanse a few nights a week but otherwise I just remove my eye make up and then rinse my face with water.  I'll keep you posted on this experiment.

We are joining a CSA!  If you're not familiar, CSA stands for community supported agriculture and joining one means we'll be picking up our share of fresh, organic, local produce directly from the farm every other week from mid May until November!  I'm so excited.  

Dave's running Broad Street on Sunday!  Although I've basically stopped running (in lieu of lifting, sprinting, volleyball, and hiking), Dave caught the running bug and will be running a personal distance record of 10 miles.  Last year he was an amazing spectator, dropping us off, enduring the traffic, and chasing us along the route to cheer us on and take pictures.  This year I'll be his cheerleader!

What's new with you?


  1. Thanks for sharing the OCM link. I actually use water most of the time and probably scrub once a week. I'll be trying the OCM with coconut oil I think.
    Yay for ditching cable. We did for 8 months...then football season started lol. One day I'll get my husband to commit to no cable.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I haven't tried OCM, but I have tried oil pulling a couple of times recently. It's weird, but interesting in a good way. I feel that it takes a little getting used to.

    I wish I could fully join the meat CSA that just started delivering to my neighborhood (since finding good quality meat is a challenge)!! We just don't have the storage for it all. But they do offer "sampler" packages that I can order as I'd like. My first pick-up is tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited to see what it's like.

  3. I started the OCM a couple months ago, and I will never go back to regular face cleansers. Especially since it's the best eye makeup remover I've ever used, ever.


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