
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My April Whole30: Days 16 & 17

Day 16




Sleep (Last Night): 8 hours

Workout:  Cheer practice (spotting tumbling, assisting stunts, etc.)

Thoughts:  My day started with a root canal, good times.  It really wasn't that bad until the numbness completely wore off just after lunch and I got a wicked headache on the entire left side of my head.  I left work a bit early, loaded up on pain reliever, and went to get a manicure and felt much better.  I felt fine through cheerleading practice, but on my 40 minute drive home I started to fade fast.  I got home, laid on the couch for about 20 minutes, and then headed to bed.

Day 17


Spinach topped with a burger, crab cake, and tomato



A few bites of peach cobbler... whoops.

Sleep (Last Night): 8.5 hours!

Workout: Rest day (my hamstrings are still crazy sore from CrossFit on Monday)

Thoughts: I woke up feeling much better, thank goodness.  We did our make up dinner with Dave's grandparents today, so I knew dinner wasn't going to be compliant.

And I'm currently fighting some demons about tomorrow.  My boss is taking our team out for a happy hour to celebrate our recent submission.  I'm aching for a margarita and some happy hour special tacos!  I've survived happy hours full of free drinks and food before, but it just seems so silly not to enjoy it.  I don't know... maybe my heart just isn't in this Whole30.  I wanted to be an example of willpower and strength for my readers, someone to look to for advice and tough love.  But posting pictures of desserts and considering just saying screw it for a happy hour just makes me feel like a fraud.  A failure.  But did I really fail?  I mean, per the Whole30 standard of no cheats at all, yes I failed.  But I'm still eating significantly healthier than I would've without the challenge.  I'm cooking up a storm, trying new recipes and planning ahead.  I'm acknowledging every food choice I'm making and how it affects me.  But yet I'm still hearing the words of the Whole30 website in the back of my mind:
It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard. You won’t get any coddling, and you won’t get any sympathy for your “struggles”. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE not to complete the program as written.
But they're wrong.  It IS hard.


  1. I don't think you're a failure, but I do think you're not doing the Whole30 anymore. Sorry, tough love! Take a day off and then start over and do it!

  2. I don't think you should use the word "failure". Maybe you said it right by saying your heart isn't in it this time? Maybe it's not what you need right now? And . . . . maybe . . . that's okay. :)

  3. Don't say 'failure', I wouldn't say that at all. It is hard!! And you are making great choices every single day!

  4. awwww... whatever you decide to do tomorow is the right thing to do... go with your gut feeling... that is always what you need to do.... hugs xx

  5. It's a margarita, not heroine. Isn't the point of whole30 to "reset" yourself to figure out what triggers certain dietary things in you (like wheat or dairy causing indigestion, etc...) I say you celebrate and have fun (whether that involves tacos and drinks or not-- your choice). You don't have to be a robot for your readers, if anything, it's even more relatable to read your struggles and watch you grow as you figure out what work's best for YOU. Follow your heart! Love you -H

  6. Hi Amber! Love your blog; I swear I've had that background image as stationery once. LOL

    That avocado looks stellar! :)

  7. Oh man, thanks for posting this. I was feeling all alone in my struggles to (not) be compliant. It's easy when you can just be in your own little bubble of food choices; then you add in family, friends, life and ... then it's a whole new game.

    Do what you feel is best and will make you happy 1, 5, 10 years down the line tomorrow (oh, today. I'm a bit behind.). You're almost there, but if your heart needs a break there's no shame in admitting it. And now I shall go take my own advice! :)


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