
Thursday, April 4, 2013

My April Whole30: Day 4




Workout: Yoga!

Sleep (Last Night):  7.5 hours

Thoughts:  Today was great.  I felt very productive at work and energized throughout the day.  And yes, I ate the same exact meal for dinner last night, breakfast and lunch today.  Yay for leftovers!  After I came home after work, I quickly whipped up the curry soup, and then headed to yoga.  Class was all about hips tonight and mine are so tight!  I hated some of the poses, but I know they are good for me.  I left feeling so refreshed and knowing that dinner was simmering away on the stove was a bonus.  After dinner I did a little meal prep for tomorrow's dinner.  We're having Shayna and Kyle over for spaghetti squash and meatballs!  Happy almost Friday!

Also, my Facebook page just got 100 likes!  Thank you all so much :)

Are you pumped for the weekend?!


  1. Great day! Leftovers save my butt all the time :-)

  2. Leftovers rock and make it so easy to stay on track.

  3. I am MORE than pumped for the weekend! I get to spend more time at home with our new dog. :) Can't wait. Happy Friday!

  4. Happy weekend to you and congrats on your first work week of Whole30 down!

  5. Happy Friday! Congrats on over 100 likes and a successful week of Whole30!!!

  6. Leftovers and I are becoming fast friends lol. It's funny, I very rarely ate leftovers before. It feels good not to be tossing things in the trash!!!! I'm totally going to look for that tea too. And yay for yoga :)


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