
Saturday, April 13, 2013

My April Whole30: Day 13


Lunch:  Insert picture of ridiculous chicken leftovers... whoops.



Sleep (Last Night): 6.5 hours... boooo!

Workout: 1 hour leisurely walk with Puddin' and I actually got a pretty good workout from putting away a ton of folding tables and chairs. 

Thoughts:  I woke up a few minutes before 7... ugh! I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to be productive.  I cooked a healthy breakfast, filled my gas tank, cleaned and did laundry, caught up with a friend, and took the dog for a long leisurely walk all before noon.

Ok it's confession time.  I lost all control at the roast beef dinner at our church! For some reason I decided I was going to eat dessert.  I'm not sure why I felt so relaxed about breaking the rules but there was an overwhelming amount of amazing homemade dessert choices and I decided I wanted one.  I picked a piece of pineapple upsidedown cake and gave a third of my piece to my dad.  And then I decided I was going to eat a piece of chocolate cake, which was rich, moist, and delicious.  And then an hour or so later I had 2 mini cakes with chocolate and strawberry topping.  Huge Whole30 fail!!!!! Did I feel really crappy or bloated?  Not really.  Did I feel guilty and like a failure? Kinda.  I don't know, I feel like I was more strict last time, but at the same time I feel like I'm still experiencing progress through the program and I just can't stress myself over not being perfect.  It is what it is.

What food makes you lose all control?


  1. don't be too hard on have done an amazing job and continue to do so...and you look AWESOME!!!

  2. I'm glad your didn't beat yourself up over it and I hope you enjoyed it, you haven't failed! I find it sooooo hard to say no to a good chocolate cake.

  3. Yesterday afternoon was hard for me too. I stress/comfort ate instead of eating for nutrition. Just keep going!

  4. Good attitude. There's no use in getting all stressed out or feeling super terrible about a slip-up. No one is perfect, and you're doing a great job overall. :)

  5. Really glad I just found your blog! I tried the whole 30 in february but never made it through because of this reason or is SO hard. And is it a big deal? I mean as long as those foods don't make you feel crappy. I sometimes felt like the pressure to eat whole 30 was more stressful than if I just ate the non-compliant foods. Maybe I will attempt another one sometime..I still feel like trying it really revamped my diet a lot so it was beneficial.


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