
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Paleo 101 - Blog Round Up

Since I posted about my Whole21, everyone has been asking me for more information about the Paleo Diet.  Honestly, I believe in this lifestyle so much that I want to share the goods with anyone who will listen!  I recently wrote about why grains suck and I intend on writing some more summary posts, but if you're like me and once you get an idea in your head, waiting is like pure torture... here's a few of my favorite Paleo 101 resources to hold you over!

Puddin' can't wait any longer!

If you still haven't read this post, please start here: The Beginners Guide to the Paleo Diet.  It's a really great summary and there are legos!

Seriously, read that ^^^ and then read these:

Mark's Daily Apple - I don't remember how I first stumbled upon this website, but I'm so glad I did!  Mark supports a Primal way of living, which is his twist on Paleo plus his views on fitness, getting outside, and fitting some play into your schedule.

Whole9 - This website is the home of the Whole30 program that I followed to obtain my epic results!
  • The Whole30 Program - The Whole30 is a 30 day reset for you body.  You eliminate all the questionable things out of your diet and learn just how great your body can feel without them.  Afterwards you reintroduce things individually to see exactly how they affect you.
  • The Whole30 Timeline - This timeline will help you understand how you're feeling and why!

Holly Would If She Could - I found this blog when I was first thinking about doing the Whole30 and now I'm hooked.  She's sarcastic and straight forward and her blog topics range from recipes to race training to fun Friday links.  If you're thinking about doing a Whole30, her website is a great resource, but even if you aren't I'd still recommend it!

And if you're thinking, blogs are ok but I really want to read a book that covers everythinghere's an amazing round up of Paleo books with some guidelines to help you find which one is right for you!

Well, I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!  Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to go like my Facebook page!


  1. Man, paleo sure has gotten popular-- I guess for good reason! People love it! I'll have to explore some of these resources-- thanks for posting them!

  2. I am starting whole 30 on Saturday! I'm really excited :) Thanks for the resources.

    1. Yay that's exciting! My friend is on day 13 and she's discovering so many things about herself. Good luck :)

  3. I think Mark's Daily Apple is a fantastic resource! I've been reading his site for years--they're a wealth of information there. I'll have to check out the other sites and see what they're like. I'm not paleo, but I'm always learning and playing around with my diet to see how I feel best. :)

  4. Great compilation! This bookworm loves that you do your thorough research before diving into anything :-)

  5. loving your blog!
    I'm not really educated on the paleo lifestyle yet. It really has been everywhere lately. a good friend of mine started doing it about a year ago and really swears by it!


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