
Monday, February 4, 2013

My Whole21 - Results!

Finally... the results!  Sorry I've kept you all waiting...

Day 1 - Weight 154.0 lbs
Day 21 - Weight 141.6 lbs
Weight Loss = 12.6 lbs!

And how about some before and after pictures?!

Awwwww yeah!  My gut disappeared!  I've always carried a little extra in my stomach and although it's never stopped me from rocking a bikini, I was never a fan of it.  I've been in great shape my whole life, but no matter what I did I couldn't seem to find my abs.  According to Mark's Daily Apple 80 percent of your body composition is determined by diet and let's just say I'm a believer!  The pounds fell off me and I was never hungry.  I ate burgers, steak, fajitas, buffalo chicken... avocados by the bag full.  What a wonderful "diet" :)

But this wasn't all about losing, what did I gain?
- My skin cleared up
- I slept like a baby
- I had tons of energy, no afternoon crash!
- Fruit tasted like candy
- I learned how to cook with spices (instead of just piling on some marinade/cheese/ketchup/etc)
- I tried new recipes
- I learned that I have willpower and I can live without cheese and chocolate!
- I realized that the majority of packaged foods have a ton of crap listed in the ingredients

So I finished 21 days of clean eating... and then I binged on a ton of crappy foods.  Over the past week I've had brownies, muffins, tons of cheese, french fries, Taco Bell, pink lemonade, pizza... ugh.  It makes me bloated just thinking about it!  I can seriously feel my stomach bloat up immediately after I eat processed crap.  It's awful.  I ate two and half slices of pizza one day and I had a deep pain in my stomach all night.

When I eat clean, I just feel so great!  And being forced to go shopping for new pants two sizes smaller than my old ones?  How could I eat any other way?

Have you ever considered giving up processed foods?


  1. Wow!! Good for you! You look amazing--check out how lean your arms are! I love seeing people so happy about their progress, and finding a way of eating that works well for them. :) I'm a big fan of not eating processed foods . . . it just doesn't make sense to me any more. I indulge in the occasional treat, but it doesn't bother me to do so, because it's not part of my daily diet anymore.

  2. You looked beautiful before and you look beautiful now, but I'm so happy you found the results you were looking for! I totally relate to the packaged/processed food bloat- I ate an oreo (or 4) on Superbowl which is in the category of things I almost never eat ("if it comes from a box, it should stay there" category), and my stomach instantly hated me. I nominate we test out more Paleo recipes from that cookbook soon! <3

    1. That cookbook was such a great gift, thank you so much!

  3. Amber, I totally agree on how great it feels to eat clean! I had the best intentions for a reintroduction phase but instead dove face-first into piles of sugar and processed foods...and I am absolutely paying for it now. I feel miserable, like I have the this is great motivation to get back to the W30 for the foundation of my diet. Too much restriction clearly makes the pendulum go wildly swinging the other direction, so I am looking forward to a more balanced approach as the year continues.

    1. I wish I had done the reintroduction, but ooooh well :) It's definitely a learning process.

  4. holy WOW. Excellent job. Those results are pretty amazing. You have such a great smile. You are happy in both the before AND after pics, which is equally, if not more awesome. :)

    1. Thank you so much! And I was thinking the same, I look pretty happy in those before photos haha.

  5. CONGRATS!! You look amazing. I'm on a diet too and so far I'm 4 lbs. down. Every day is a struggle, but it's so worth it to see the numbers on the scale move and feel better!

    1. Good job! The scale going down is nice, but it's even better to feel better. Good luck :)

  6. You look amazing! I just came across your blog and what a great post to come to!

  7. This is very motivating Amber. We are jumping in on the 30 wagon in April. God I hope I lose my wine gut. haha

  8. You look awesome-- definitely much leaner in the after pics! I'm so impressed that you've been able to stick with this-- I always seem to fall off the wagon after a day or two when I decide to do something like this, ha. :-)

  9. Amber, yes, you look leaner. And you look beautiful both before and after. :)


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