
Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Whole21–Days 1 through 6

So, you read about my crazy little 21 day experiment to try out the Whole30 program and you may be wondering… how’s it going?!

Monday, Day 1 - Easy, breezy.  I planned my meals ahead of time, didn't really face any serious temptations, and felt pretty normal.

Tuesday, Day 2 - I woke up feeling kinda blah, but I wasn't sure if it was the "carb flu" or if I was actually sick.  I'm not sure the carb flu comes with congestion/nasal crappiness, but it sure did match up with the Whole30 timeline!

Wednesday, Day 3 - I was still feeling kind of sick, but not too bad.  My day started at 4:50 am (to prep for some meetings at work) and I was still playing volleyball at 9 pm, so I guess I wasn't really feeling that bad.  The challenge of the day came during lunch when my boss wanted to head to Wawa and I knew I wasn't going to find anything to eat there (except maybe their most plain salad).  I suggested we check out Wegmans instead and I ended up getting a burrito bowl with shredded beef, onions and peppers, salsa, and guacamole.  I'm not exactly sure if everything was exactly Whole30 compliant, but I do know the beef was (it was the only thing with all the ingredients listed).  I was pretty jealous of the creamy soups, giant hoagies, and fresh cookies my coworkers picked out, but my burrito bowl did not disappoint.

Thursday, Day 4 - I woke up feeling better.  I had a meeting where I knew there would be donuts, so I brought a clementine and a banana.  My biggest test was after work at our company holiday happy hour, complete with an open bar and a ton of breaded and fried food.  It took everything I had to avoid the food at this happy hour!  It smelled amazing, everyone was eating it around me, and they had some of my favorites.  Everyone kept asking me why I was drinking water and then told me I was crazy.  Willpower success!

Friday, Day 5 - I was excited when my coworker suggest Chipotle and I could actually eat it.  Apparently every meat (and the fajita veggies) is cooked in soybean oil except for the carnitas, so that's what I got!  I was having some serious burrito envy (I want that cheese!) but I was surprised when I really enjoyed my bowl just how it was made.  Then came the chili cookoff that I helped set up... my coworkers prepared 11 different crockpots of chili and the aroma was mouthwatering.  But each one was either cooked in beer, contained sugar or soybean oil, or featured some beans.  I found 2 that only broke the rules with their beans and picked them out.

Saturday, Day 6 - I was already getting bored between all the recycled meals this week and the overuse of Frank's Red Hot.  To shake it up, I headed to the grocery store to pick up a few of the missing ingredients from a recipe I've been wanting to try from my Practical Paleo cookbook (an awesome bridesmaid gift from Heather!) and it turned out really great!  This book has really helped to inspire me this week!  I love how simple the recipes are.

Practice Paleo - Lemon Chicken with Artichoke, Capers, and Onions

Here’s a summary:

Days 1-6

Tomorrow I’m having an impromptu shindig at my house since it’s supposed to be 60 some degrees and I want to spend the day outside.  I told everyone I would provide burgers, but to bring a side or snack.  I know I’m going to be super bummed when my friends bring buffalo chicken dip and taco dip that I won’t be able to touch.  But (even though part of the program is to not step on a scale… oops) I may or may not be down 7.5 lbs already!  It’s only 21 days, I can do this!

Do you like to cook recipes out of cookbooks?


  1. Great job so far- keep it up! It's so hard to have self control when others bring food that's different from yours and yummy! Have fun tomorrow!

  2. Wow--very interesting recap so far! 7.5 pounds? Crazy! As long as you're feeling good doing this, then go for it! And don't worry about the shindig--like you said, it's only 21 days, and taco dips and such will be around at every shindig. :)

  3. I could never do something like this (would cave within a day), but so admire your dedication to it!

  4. I totally missed your last post, so I'm just catching up now. Awesome :) When I did the Standard Process Cleanse a couple years ago, I felt AMAZING. All fruits, veggies, healthy supplements and water for the first week, then adding in meat or fish one time per day for 21 days. They said that 21 was the key number and if you can make it a habit by day 21, it'll be easier to commit to a healthier lifestyle (and the awareness that you gain is more likely to move forward with you). Last year, I felt like I'd need a little more fuel when we were training for the half, so I didn't necessarily cleanse again, but I did make really good choices and kept moving and I felt so good. Good for you for taking this step to reset and kudos especially for cutting out the cheese. Keep it up! You rock :)

  5. I don't know what's going on in this blog post of yours, but I suddenly want some tortilla chips. What kind of mind control is this!?

    1. Girl, I want everything bad for me right now lol. I'm in the "Bbundless energy, now give me a twinkie" portion of the Whole30 timeline! Except sub twinkie for lots and lots of chocolate :)

  6. I'm so happy for you! How do you feel just having coffee for breakfast? I don't think I could do that!

    1. It is not part of the Whole30 program to skip breakfast, I just don't usually eat much before lunch! I could be having a big omlet every morning, I'm just kind of lazy and not really that hungry anyway. I usually snack on some fruit or something small around 10.

  7. I tend to just use recipes off the internet, as I need them. I never have enough money to stock up on all the Paleo cookbooks that I want!

    That's good to know that the Chipotle carnitas is not cooked in soybean oil. Do you know what it is cooked in?

    1. I don't know, I can't seem to find that. I just found out the carnitas was compliant via some Whole30 forum boards.

  8. Those social situations are the worst!! It's almost enough to make me want to avoid them all together. Way to go on resisting the urge to partake. It ain't easy!

  9. You are awesome for doing this! I kind of wish I could do something like this (well I could), but I am a bit of a commitment-phobe about food!


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