
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Double Date at the Auto Show!

Friday night, as the snow was coming down hard and everyone seemed to be stuck in traffic somewhere, we were on the train headed into the city. Our night started out with some delicious pork from DiNic's in the Reading Terminal Market. Karisa and Frank met us there and then we all headed to the Philly Auto Show! We drooled over luxury cars, rumbled through a terrain course in a Jeep, almost lost our hearing in the DUB section (apparently big wheels go hand in hand with big speakers!), and the boys furthered their bromance.

I had never been to a car show before and we had a blast!  But it definitely made me want to go buy a new car... and not one in my price range ;)

Today is the last day of my Whole21!  I made it!  I will definitely be posting more about my last week and my results, but for now go like my new Facebook page!

Have you ever been to an auto show?  What's your dream car?


  1. I'd love to go to an auto show. There's a big one in Chicago every year, but I've never been. I need to put this higher on my to-do list . . . it looks like so much fun!!

  2. I used to go to the Philly Auto Show every year, but haven't been there since ... hmm ... 2005? It looks like it was fabulous this year! :)

  3. Congrats on finishing your whole21!!


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