
Friday, October 26, 2012

My Heart is Full

I'm am completely overwhelmed with emotion.  My brother winning homecoming king really meant so much to him and our family and now this wonderful article has been written about him.  Everytime I read it, it brings me to tears.  It's been blowing up on facebook and I just had to share this with everyone.

And then Tom’s name was announced. He was king, which is how the students have viewed him for years, a member of high school royalty. He bounded off the platform in dark suit and sneakers, smiling and clapping. Somewhere in the stands, Diana and Mike Nowak drowned in a puddle of tears.

The king joined his queen. A white sash with “Homecoming King 2012” was placed on him. While the student body went wild, the new king stood posture perfect and soaked it all in.

Behind him on the platform, two fellow members of the court, football players Jarrett Reinhard and Anthony Williams, were celebrating Tom’s coronation as though they’d just won the state championship.

“What those students did for Tom shows the level of selflessness they have,” Mike Nowak said. “At this point, they probably don’t really appreciate what an honor they gave to him. Maybe when they get older and have children of their own they’ll truly understand.”

Please check out the entire article and watch the video!  And I dare you not to get choked up.


  1. I didn't even need to click on the video to get all chocked up. AGH. Such a touching and moving story. Your brother looks great!

  2. What an incredibly special time for your brother! And such a supportive student body and community! The picture is just beautiful, too.

  3. What a great tribute to your family! I think this is such a moving story. In a world where we keep hearing about how horrible teenagers are, it's so refreshing to see this kind of story. Wonderful!

  4. I just spent the day with my brother who has Down Syndrome, and they are truly amazing people. SO happy for your brother!! My brother was also nominated for his Prom Court, which shocked our family but it was truly amazing to see how much he had touched every one in his High School!! :) Loved reading this article and watching the video!

  5. What a truly special moment for your brother and entire family. So happy for you all! :)

  6. This is such a great, great story! Thank you for sharing!!!


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