
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

10K Training: Week 4

victory for voices

Week 4:
- Monday, 3.64 mi with Dave through the park, 42:53
- Wednesday, 1.01 mi up the mountain with Dave and Puddin, 17:03
- Saturday, 2.16 mi down the shore, 21:42, 2 mi walk with the girls, ~1 hour of kayaking
- Total Mileage = 6.91 mi

Week 4 was a success!  After the frustrations of week 3, I knew I wanted to get a nice long run in on Monday.  Dave wasn't really into the distance I wanted to do and I wanted to do a run that I actually enjoyed, so we did a mix of running and some walk breaks.  I felt fabulous throughout, it really was just what I needed.  We even did some sprints at the end!

When we got home from work on Wednesday the dog was running circles around the living room and the idea of running and walking the dog along with other chores we were planning to do sounded like a bit much.  So we decided on a compromise!  Puddin' really isn't a runner, she's getting up there in age and besides, why run when you can stop and smell everything?  So we did a combination of walking and running with her, but it was UP the mountain!  Even though we only did a mile, it kicked my butt!  Hardcore trail running is no joke.

This weekend I was at the shore for a bachelorette party, so just getting out for any type of run was a major victory!  And I got to see scenery like this.


The fitness continued when the whole party headed out for a scavenger hunt that took us on quite a walk through the neighborhood.  And then the real workout happened when we went kayaking in the bay.  It was so much fun and I was sore for days, win!

Did you have a good week?


  1. Just sayin' (since you asked) . . . I need this week to be over! Way too stressful. TGIAF. :)

  2. Great week! This week hasn't been as great as usual because I've been a bit sick, and have taken the last two days off to rest. It looks like you were in a beautiful location for the party too! Perfect place to run :)

  3. Go us for actually getting some fitness in this weekend! I'm starting a kayak fund (a double) for next summer...split custody between Barnegat and Cape May? hehe...

  4. Great pic! And kayaking sounds so fun!!!

  5. That picture looks gorgeous. I can't wait to get back into running again. I miss it!


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