
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Playing Catch Up

I neglected my blog this week and I really haven't been posting as much as I'd like to in general.  So here comes a photo dump catch up.

A few weeks ago, I went to my first baby shower!

The shower was for my good friend Sarah, who was due in May, but she just had her baby on Wednesday!  Good thing little Caleb Joseph was early, he was 8 lbs 10.8 oz!  She just got home from hospital today, I'm not sure when she'll be ready for visitors, but I absolutely can't wait to meet him.

Ok, now some random pictures summing up the fun stuff from the past week and a half.

Ladies night!

Amazing smelling lilacs!

New Mexican place in Phoenixville and you bring your own tequila!

And then yesterday was baby shower number two!  Kimber's little baby boy is due in June.

I'm so excited to meet the babies and be Aunt Amber!  Oh my, we really are growing up aren't we?

Well, I'm keeping it short and sweet, I ran 9 miles this morning and the rest of the day has been dedicated to being a lazy lump.  Is it really already Sunday night?  I hope you had a good weekend!

Do a lot of your friends have babies yet?  What's a good gift to bring a new mommy?


  1. I love your gray dress- so pretty! It's amazing how almost all our friends are in serious relationships and heading down that road! You're nextttt ;-) I like to get new mommies a pedicure or spa gift certificate so they can have some "me" time when they need it.

    1. Thank you, it's from Target! They have the best dresses. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and trying to be patient hehe.

  2. What kind of camera do you use? Is it just your digital? The colors are so vibrant, I loooooove!!

  3. It must be baby season - I posted about a new baby in our family today! Isn't it just so exciting!!! And yes, a lot of my friends in the midwest are on the baby path, but it's funny, most of my LA friends are not on the baby path! It's like two different timelines/cultures! :)


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