
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Can we go back this weekend?

I've been busy busy, I need to catch up and fill you guys in on my weekend!  Friday night we headed down to Cape May.

I love that feeling you get right at the start of your vacation, anticipation, freedom, excitement.  It was only a weekend, but we were both thrilled to enjoy a cold cocktail on the front porch as the sun set right when we got there.  Our night continued with a search for good eats.  We tried to hit up the raw bar, but unfortunately it was already closed for the night, womp for off season hours.

We saw people eating on the dock, so I was convinced we just missed it, bummer!  Next we headed to one of our fave bars, The Ugly Mug for some pub fare.

We ended up heading home and going to bed early after dinner.  We must really be getting old, but getting 10 hours of sleep was glorious!  Our weekend continued with sticking our toes in the sand and running into some friends that we ended up joining for breakfast.

The beach was super chilly, especially since it was so windy on Saturday, so we headed back to the house and I did some sunbathing on the back porch while Dave cut the grass.  And then it was time for a run.  I was really looking forward to running around Cape May, but then it was time and I really didn't want to leave my lounge chair.  I rallied myself and headed out the door with my camera.

I've absolutely fallen in love with Cape May.  Before dating Dave I'd never been and now I don't want to go anywhere else.  Well... except for Long Beach Island!  We left Cape May Saturday afternoon and headed north to spend the night with Leah and Pete.  We feasted on delicious tuna, drank way too much tequila, and laughed so hard our sides hurt.

Those are our tequila smiles!  The next day, our Easter started off with some egg dying, mimosas, an epic breakfast, and a walk on the beach.  Perfection.

And then there was this crazy guy at the beach...


Straight crazy!  The rest of our holiday was spent feasting and chatting with family.  What a wonderful weekend!  I hope you had a good holiday too.

Have you ever gone in the ocean when it's super chilly (like a crazy person)?!  Where's your favorite beach spot?


  1. Hey! I'm glad you had fun there! I love hearing about people's travels, and I love that you took pictures of some cute towny houses and stuff-- makes ME want to go to Cape May! :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe Dave jumped into the ocean!! That must have been...rejuvenating? haha. Glad you had a nice and relaxing weekend <3

  3. hahaha...I can't believe he got in!! Crazy! This looks like the ultimate weekend-- don't you just love that?

  4. Looks like you had such a great weekend! My favorite beach spot is not actually LA - it is either Hawaii or Portugal!


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