
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Friends, Feasts, & a Fast 5K

This weekend was a good one!

Friday night, Dave and I had a nice little dinner date.  We had a gift card, so we headed to Maggiano's for a feast.  They have an awesome dinner for two special that includes an appetizer or two side salads, two classic pasta dishes, a dessert, and two additional pasta dinners to go for $40!  What a bargain!  Everything was delicious and it was so nice to have a nice night out, we hadn't gone out to dinner in a while!

The rest of the night was spent with friends gearing up for next weekend.

The fun continued with another "grown up" dinner party with my favorite thing ever, build your own Chipotle Bowls!  I've been wanting to cook this for my friends for a while and everything came out great!

And then our Sunday started out with a 5K!  Dave and I ran the 3rd Annual St. Patrick's Day Shock Run at the Village Tavern in North Wales.  It was pretty chilly this morning, but the sun was shining and I knew once we started running I'd feel great.  Dave and I ran the whole race together until the last half mile, which was up a hill.  I left him because I really wanted to push my pace and I ended up passing people the entire way up the hill... like a boss!  Once I got to the top I was feeling pretty rough, but I suddenly saw the finish line was super close so I started hauling it.

My race splits:
- Mile 1, 9:36
- Mile 2, 9:40
- Mile 3, 9:18
- 0.09 (according to my Garmin), :35, average pace 6:32
- Total, 3.09 mi, 29:09

I've run a few 5Ks before, I don't remember my exact times, but I know this is a PR!  I've never run a 5K in under 30 minutes!  Dave came in just under 30 and I'm super proud of him too!  After the race we got our complimentary brunch and pint of Guinness, it was a great morning.

I wish I had taken more pictures, but I really didn't want to carry my camera with me while running, I need to remedy this situation for future races.  Any advice from the racers out there?

And finally, my afternoon was spent enjoying the spring weather with Ms. Puddin' out in the park.

This week is a short week for us because Dave and I are headed to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore on Thursday for a late anniversary celebration.  We are only staying the night but I'm super pumped to get away and for a Friday off of work!  Any recommendations for spots we should check out in the Inner Harbor?

Well I hope you had a fabulous weekend!

What did you do this weekend?  Have you run any races lately?


  1. CONGRATS on your race!! That second picture of Puddin' cracks me up, she looks like a bullet. There was this amazing southern cooking place B and I went to a few years ago down there, so I'll try and dig through the archives and let you know the name before the end of the week! xoxo

  2. I think I just remembered....Milton's Grill. I may be wrong but either way, the menu looks yummy!


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