
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Weekend Shenanigans & Taco Dip

Despite being sick this weekend, Dave and I still had some fun.  He had tickets to the Flyers game on Saturday afternooon, so we cancelled our Friday night plans to stay in and get some rest.  Saturday morning we got up and took the train into the city and for some strange reason, we got to ride the regional rail for free both ways, win!

The game was a bummer because the refs were awful and the Flyers were not playing well.  We left at the end of the second period when the Flyers were losing 0-6.  But of course after we left they scored 4 goals and the refs actually let them fight.  Womp for us!  To drown our sorrows we headed over to Nodding Head Brewery to grab a drink with one of my friends from work.  It was a pretty cute place and the beer was tasty.  And omg, the fried mac and cheese!

The rest of Saturday we did some more bumming around because we were prepping for our Super Bowl Party... aka my family of Giants fans yelling in the living room.  Even though our little shindig wasn't anything too fancy, we had a great spread: wings, pizza, and some taco dip!  It's so easy to make that you don't even need a recipe but you're in luck, I'm giving you one anyway!

Taco Dip

- Cream cheese
- Queso
- Salsa
- Mexican blend cheese
- Chopped lettuce (I used a prechopped bag because I am lazy)
- Tomatoes (I used canned, fire roasted - make sure your drain them!)

1. Spread the cream cheese on the bottom of your pan.  You can use sour cream but the dip can end up watery.

2.  Lay all ingredients as you wish.

I tend to add some random layers of cheese throughout.  You can't go wrong with cheesy layers!

3.  Enjoy with whatever chips you like.  I recommend some Scoops, we love the whole grain version!

This recipe is so great because there are so many possibilities.  You could add some refried beans mixed with some taco seasoning, black olives, some guacamole, some avocado chunks, maybe some onions and peppers, whatever you want!  I love making things that you can't mess up.

And now it's Tuesday, I'm still relishing in the Giants' win and I'm not sick anymore!  Well I'm still friends with the tissue box, but I'm feeling a lot better!  I even made it to the gym last night and went for a run tonight, woot!  I hope your week is starting off on the right foot :)

Did you do anything fun this weekend?  Did you watch the game?  What's your favorite party food?


  1. I'm happy that your cold was a quickie and you're feeling better for the work week! This is dumb, but do you heat up the dip or serve cold? I feel like I've had it both ways.

    1. This dip was served cold. I tend to skip heating it up when there are veggies like lettuce involved. If I'm making a hot version I usually just do some cream cheese, queso, salsa, and cheese and then I just bake it until the cheese is melted. Or sometimes if I want a quick fix I make a tiny version in a bowl and stick it in the microwave! May have to do this tonight...

  2. free train ride? you lucky duck. That stuff can get pricey. My favorite party food is cake. At least 3 slices. Whooops!

    1. Cake, yum! My mom bought a giant pan of brownies with icing and little footballs on it for the super bowl... I tried to keep my portions small because it was so addicting!

  3. Your taco dip looks great - that is one of my favorite things at a party! And, I only like it when it's home-made. The store-bought version of it is never as good, and I can always tell the difference!


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