
Monday, February 27, 2012

Half Marathon Training: Week 8

Week 8:
- Tuesday, 1.81 mi around my neighborhood, 21 mins
- Thursday, 2.02 mi around my neighboorhood, 22:08, boot camp with my cheerleaders, 20 mins
- Sunday, 15 minute dog walk, better than nothing arm weights
- Total Mileage = 3.81 mi

I ran with no pain!  I'm so pumped.  I only ran twice this week, but I think it was good to ease in.  I'm really looking forward to more runs with my new toy.  I figured out I can sync it with my account at DailyMile so I'm pretty excited about that, but I feel like I still have a lot to learn about it.  For some reason I hate reading owner's manuals, but I guess I'll have to suck it up!

Thursday was great because I got my run in before cheer and then did a little boot camp sesh with my cheerleaders at the end of practice.  We did push-ups, tricep dips, wall squats, jumping switch lunges, lemon squeezers (I don't know the real name but it's an ab exercise, balanced on your butt, in with knees bent, and then out into a V), scissor kicks, high knees, high kicks, and planks where you jump your legs in and out.  I don't know about the girls, but I was sore the next day!

Goals for the week:
- Workout 3 times: B+
- Lots of foam rolling: B+
- Do a yoga workout: C-

I did work out three times, but my Sunday workout was pretty lame.  I did some foam rolling, I could've done more, but I'm not in pain so I guess I did an ok amount.  I failed to do a real yoga workout, but I did a lot of stretching throughout the week and did think more about my breathing while I was stretching.  Goals for this week: run 3 times (woot!), keep foam rolling, lift my arms twice, and do a real yoga workout.  Get it!!!

What's your favorite boot camp style exercise?


  1. I just finished my 8th week of training too, and had a very low mileage. However, I'm not running at all due to an injury. Maybe there's something about going through a few weeks of training... ? YAY for no pain. I hope this continues for you!

  2. Congrats, I bet it feels so good to get back out there!! It's supposed to be rainy around here off and on for the next couple days so I think I'm hitting the gym if you're interested. Hit me up!

  3. Yay! No Pain!!! How did you sync your garmin with your daily mile??!? I hate manuals too- I've had my garmin for 2 months and had no idea you could do that. I tried to sync it with my computer and has some trouble. Arg!

    1. DailyMile has a sync tab on the home page and then you just put in the info for your Garmin website account and you can upload workouts from there. I don't really know how to troubleshoot your computer syncing issues... but I did watch a nice tutorial video from Garmin's website and I heard they have great customer service! Good luck.

  4. I never know the proper names for all of the boot camp style exercises but I like/I feel like I get a good workout from the various ways of incorporating lunges into the boot camp circuit! Good luck with this week's goals!

  5. I took a really cool summer boot camp class 2 years ago-it was all circuit training and light hand weights. So much fun! And I loved the idea of "minimal equipment".

  6. Glad you're running sans pain! I want to get out there with you soon, I need to experience this new toy first hand!


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