
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Half Marathon Training: Week 7

Week 7:
- Wednesday, better than nothing workout (random body weight exercises in Dave's kitchen)
- Thursday, better than nothing workout (random body weight exercises at cheer practice), 2 yoga videos
- Sunday, 20 minute dog walk
- Total Mileage = 0 mi

This week was a big fail.  I actively took this week off from running to rest my hip, but that shouldn't have given me a free pass to be lazy all week.  If I can find time to run 3 times a week, I should still be able to find the time to workout without running!

Something that really surprised me over the past two weeks was how much I missed running!  I can't believe I'm saying it, but it's true.  We had some gorgeous weather and I just wanted to get out and go run.  I guess I could've gone for some walks instead, but it just wasn't the same.  Maybe I need to work on my all or nothing mentality, although I don't seem to have that issue with working out in general... I love those better than nothing workouts.  Thursday I did some jumping switch lunges and a bunch of cheer jumps and my hamstrings and shoulders were burning for a few days!

Goals for the week:
- Workout 3 times: C
- Buy a foam roller, learn more about it, and roll: B+
- Do some type of yoga: A
- Stretch 4 times: B-

Well, it's behind me now.  This week I'm looking forward to testing out the waters with a nice easy run.  If I don't have any pain then I'll be getting back into my training plan.  I definitely won't be following the week 8 schedule of my training plan, I need to ease myself back in.  My goals for week 8 are to workout 3 times (hopefully there will be some running, but either way I need to get moving), do another yoga workout, and do lots of foam rolling.

Oh and guess what I did this week, I signed up for the Broad Street Run!  It's a huge 10 mile run in Philadelphia, 3 weeks before my half.  Please, please, please let my hip pain be behind me, or at least something I can manage with rolling, yoga, and ice!  We will see... crossing my fingers!

How do you motivate yourself after a bad week?


  1. After a bad week, I don't try to pick back up right where I left off. In other words, don't set your goals too high for your first week back - just take it easy and ease back into it the next week, as it might take a few weeks to build back up again, but that's ok! Even if you are a little behind, the hype and excitement of the race will carry you a long way! :)

  2. I like your mentality of 'leaving it behind you'. I think a lot of people focus on their weekends of bad eating or a lazy week, which results in not working out at all because they're already in a 'slump', but if you try and live day to day I find it much easier to accomplish your goals.

    I heard the Broad Street Run is really fun so I'll definitely be there to cheer you on!


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