
Monday, January 9, 2012

Whirlwind Weekend

The past few days have been busy busy!  I have been running around like a crazy person.

My great grandmother passed away at the beginning of last week.  She was 92 and died in her sleep, I can only hope to live such a full life!  Rest in peace Babci.  So Thursday I left work and headed to New Jersey for the viewing.  Friday was the funeral, it was a beautiful service and we couldn't have asked for better weather.  Her death was without suffering and it was great to celebrate her life and spend extra time with my family.

Immediately upon getting home from Jersey, Dave and I left for a night out in Philly!  Our first stop was Tony Luke's for some really Philly cheesesteaks.

The cheesesteaks were pretty tasty, but I am still on the quest to find my favorite cheesesteak in Philly!  Sorry, no food porn because we ate our cheesesteaks in Dave's Jeep in the parking lot of the stadium.

We had tickets to see the Adirondack Phantoms play the Hershey Bears on the ice rink they created for the Winter Classic.  The weather was amazing, the Phantoms won in overtime, and there was an amazing fireworks show after the game.  We had a great time!

Our weekend continued with a masquerade party!  Saturday night was filled with friends, dance parties, games, a bonfire, some live music, and some epic masks!

Sunday was a day of recovery, some family time, and a big Giants playoff win!  It was a wonderful weekend.

How was your weekend?  Did you do anything fun?


  1. I'm sorry again about your great grandmother's passing - but I'm glad you got to spend some extra family time this weekend!

    Love your hat at the hockey game - very cute!

  2. I was going to say I love your hat, too :) LoL. The weekend was fun. I went to visit Grandma Ruth, ran a bit and visited with the Richmans, who are down visiting family (and us, clearly). It was good! Miss you.


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