
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Half Marathon Training: Week 3

Week 3:
- Monday, 2 hours of volleyball
- Tuesday, 1.5 mi treadmill run, 14:15, 15 mins biking, 5.3 mi
- Thursday, 2.33 mi run outside in 32 degree weather, 25:00
- Sunday, 3.5 mi treadmill run, 36:08
- Total Mileage = 7.33 mi

This was a big week for me!  After buying a bunch of new gear on Thursday, I was feeling inspired to brave the temps and run outside.  I never run in the winter, I repeat never.  I hate that awful feeling you get in your ears when running in the cold.  But I signed up to do a group run with some ladies next week, so I was thinking I should probably get outside to do some miles before I run with them.  So I suited up and headed outside.  When I first started out I kept thinking, have I lost my mind?  But then once I got going I realized I felt fine and I just kept thinking, I'm a fricken boss!

I also ran my farthest run to date!  I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill today and I felt great.  I stopped to walk once, but my time was pretty good and I wasn't full of hatred watching the minutes tick away.  The Kardashians and some Ridiculousness helped.  Yay for TV distractions!

My goal this week is to fit in 4 runs.  I think it will be a challenge, but I need to make it happen.  This may involve an early morning run before work, ew.  We'll see.  3 weeks down, 18 to go!

On a side note, rest in peace Joe Pa.  Super sad to hear the news, he was an amazing man.

How did you push yourself this week?


  1. So proud of you, and love your sneaks :) So sad about JoePa :( PS Thinking dark purple for bridesmaid dresses. Gouda?

  2. You're being a straight up boss with the running schedule! Supa cute running gear too hehe.


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