
Friday, December 23, 2011

In the air there's a feeling of Christmas...

Finally!  Christmas break... and by break I mean yay for four day weekends.  I'm done shopping, but there's still a lot of work to do.  My sister and I are usually forced to wrap a ton of presents for my parents, but apparently they already got a big head start, which is great because I still have a bunch of presents to wrap anyway.  In addition to wrapping, tomorrow will be spent cleaning the house, baking cookies, running last minute errands, and desperately trying to make my room look less like a hurricane just came through.  It's a constant struggle.

Hey look, I'm crafty!

Ta-freaking-da!  Thank goodness I have some crafty friends because I thought I could attach the flowers with some glue and it was not working out.  The wire that Leah just so happened to bring along was a lifesaver.  Leah and Heather are definitely my crafting mentors!

This weekend will be a whirlwind of everything I love about Christmas. Homemade pierogies. A tree with so many ornaments you may find two on the same branch. Family. Santa coming up the street on a firetruck. Silent night in perfect harmony in a candlelit church. My brother dragging my dad out of bed, filled with excitement. Flipping back and forth to see both of the Christmas parades on TV. Merging traditions. Making new ones.

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?


  1. Love everything about this post, and Christmas :) even better when it overlaps with Hanukkah and we get to celebrate both simultaneously. I love everything about this time of the year, and wish you, Dave, your family and his the very best for Christmas, new years and everything in between/beyond! Enjoy those pierogies :) ps my mom has something teeny tiny for you from me when you see her next. Literally tiny. Don't get too excited and definitely don't feel like you ave to reciprocate in any way. Love/miss you guys!
    - Shaynabean -

  2. Christmas cheer :-) I'm glad the wreath turned out so well...I think it was the man handling of the wire that did it haha. Have a wonderful holiday lovey!

  3. What a cute wreath! We like to go to a movie every year on Christmas morning, and have junkie movie snacks for breakfast!


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